I just read the SQL 2016 Columnstore Index guide located here. We're going to have some rather large tables (hundreds of millions to billions of rows) in a SQL 2016 database that will be used for both OLTP and analytics.
These tables will be queried, primarily, one of two ways: 1) Users will retrieve rather small result sets based on specific discrete values in a Where clause (e.g., Where SubId = 'ABC'); 2) Users will retrieve larger results sets based on a date/time value ranges (e.g., Where ReadTime Between '2/1/2017' And '2/5/2017').
Since a columnstore index is better suited for scenerio #2 (I think), I'm considering making the clustered index non-columnstore (e.g., on SubId) for scenerio #1 and creating a non-clustered columnstore index (e.g., on ReadTime) for scenerio #2.
However, I'm not sure this is really any better than if I created a columnstore clustered index on ReadTime and a non-columnstore index on SubId.
I'm not sure how to make this decision.