What I am after here is to return the Max(date)
but Sum(amt)
so that way I only see the most recent information pertaining to an account, but I also see the Total Amt! This is my DDL
Declare @Helper1 Table
(name varchar(100),inputid int, custid varchar(100), rdsdate date, amt decimal(10,2))
Insert Into @Helper1 (name, inputid, custid, rdsdate, amt) Values
('Bob', 123, 'rst11', '2017-01-01', '13.00'), ('Jack', 131, 'rst11', '2017-01-05', '-5.00')
,('Larry', 444, 'ems33', '2017-02-01', '10.00')
I tried this query - however it returns all info for custid rst11
not the Max() like I am after
,inputid = MAX(inputid)
,rdsdate = MAX(rdsdate)
,amt = SUM(amt)
FROM @Helper1
GROUP BY name, custid
ORDER BY name asc
This is my desired returned result set (since rst11 has two entries return the max and SUM())
Jack 131 rst11 2017-01-05 8.00
Larry 444 ems33 2017-02-01 10.00
What is the proper way to achieve this in a query?