I have below data in my ColorAssign table;

| PKID | Name    | Type | HasAssigned |
| 11   | Red     | 1    | True        |
| 12   | Blue    | 2    | False       |
| 13   | Yellow  | 3    | False       |
| 14   | Red1    | 1    | False       |
| 15   | Yellow1 | 3    | True        |
| 16   | Blue1   | 2    | False       |

Note in this above table I have color types in type field and assign status in HasAssigned field also with different primary keys with different names (can be same name - but type is the identifier to find the actual color).

My goal is to get the data as the condition:-

Find the records with the color type with Hasassigned = true or if no records for the type has true. Then type with Hasassigned = false of color type. So my resultset would be;

| 11   | Red     | 1    | True        |
| 12   | Blue    | 2    | False       |
| 15   | Yellow1 | 3    | True        |
| 16   | Blue1   | 2    | False       |

What are all the ways we can do this, with a focus on optimization?

2 Answers 2


If I understand your question correctly, you want all rows with HasAssigned='True'


all rows where HasAssigned='False' where there does not exist a row for that same type that is also HasAssigned='True'

If that is what you want, I think this query will give you that answer:

DECLARE @ColorAssignTable TABLE (
    ,Type INT
    ,HasAssigned VARCHAR(10)
insert into @ColorAssignTable(PKID,Name,Type,HasAssigned) values

FROM @ColorAssignTable
WHERE HasAssigned = 'True'


FROM @ColorAssignTable a
WHERE HasAssigned = 'False'
        SELECT *
        FROM @ColorAssignTable
        WHERE type = a.type
            AND HasAssigned = 'True'
Order by PKID

I just tried this way and i could do this;

select * from ColorAssign ci where (ci.HasAssigned = 'True' OR NOT EXISTS(select 1 from ColorAssign sc where sc.Type = ci.Type AND sc.HasAssigned = 'True' ) )

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