How do i get this?
to look like this:
my create and insert code :
Create Table Countries
Country nvarchar(50),
Town nvarchar(50),
City nvarchar(50)
Insert into Countries values ('USA','New Jersy','New York')
Insert into Countries values ('USA','houst','Houston')
Insert into Countries values ('USA','Dally','Dallas')
Insert into Countries values ('India','hyder','Hyderabad')
Insert into Countries values ('India','Bang','Bangalore')
Insert into Countries values ('India','Del','New Delhi')
Insert into Countries values ('India','townin','India Town')
Insert into Countries values ('UK','chelsea','London')
Insert into Countries values ('UK','sunderland','Birmingham')
Insert into Countries values ('UK','United','Manchester')
Current pivot code:
Select Country, town1, City1, town2, City2, town3, City3, town4, City4, town5, City5
Select Country, City, 'City'+ cast(row_number() over(partition by Country order by Country) as varchar(10)) ColumnSequence,
Town, 'Town'+ cast(row_number() over(partition by Country order by Country) as varchar(10)) ColumnSequence2
from Countries
) Temp
for ColumnSequence in (City1, City2, City3, City4, City5)
) Piv
for ColumnSequence2 in (town1, town2, town3, town4, town5)
) Piv
group by Country, town1, City1, town2, City2, town3, City3, town4, City4,
town5, City5