As you need to perform a read,search operation faster you can use the MyISAM as the table engine if the table will not have the High write's in future.
When you will use the MyISAM Engine for fast read/search for this table ,you need to set the Key_Buffer_size to some appropriate value depending upon the index size of your MyISAM tables and also the amount of available RAM.
As the Table having two columns id and domain name, so you can use the FULL TEXT index on domain name so it will make searching fast on the column domain name.
Look the structure which I have Created
mysql> show create table domain\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: domain
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `domain` (
`domain_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
FULLTEXT KEY `domain_name` (`domain_name`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Restore the data in table and find out index_length for MyISAM table and set the Key_Buffer_size accordingly.
See How to set Key Buffer Size.
WHERE DomainName = ''
orWHERE DomainName LIKE ''
? Or something else?EXPLAIN SELECT...
output in the question?) What Storage Engine are you using?