I have a table like this:

create table foo (foo_label text, foo_price int, foo_date date);

insert into foo (
          ('aaa', 100,  '2017-01-01'),
          ('aaa', NULL, '2017-02-01'),
          ('aaa', NULL, '2017-03-01'),
          ('aaa', NULL, '2017-04-01'),
          ('aaa', 140,  '2017-05-01'),
          ('aaa', NULL, '2017-06-01'),
          ('aaa', 180,  '2017-07-01')

As you can see a few values on the foo_price column are missing.

What I need is that missing values get filled up with the "previous" available value in this way:

 foo_label | fixed_foo_price | foo_date
 aaa       | 100             | 2017-01-01
 aaa       | 100             | 2017-02-01
 aaa       | 100             | 2017-03-01
 aaa       | 100             | 2017-04-01
 aaa       | 140             | 2017-05-01
 aaa       | 140             | 2017-06-01
 aaa       | 180             | 2017-07-01

My attempt:

    (case when foo_price is null then previous_foo_price else foo_price end) as fixed_foo_price,
from (
      lag(foo_price) OVER (PARTITION BY foo_label order by foo_date::date) as previous_foo_price, 
      from foo
) T;

As you can see from here:


It doesn't fill completely the '100' series.

Any idea how can I get the wanted result?


2 Answers 2


Form groups with the window function count() and then take the first value in each group:

SELECT foo_label
     , first_value(foo_price) OVER (PARTITION BY foo_label, grp ORDER BY foo_date) AS fixed_foo_price
     , foo_date
   SELECT foo_label
        , count(foo_price) OVER (PARTITION BY foo_label ORDER BY foo_date) AS grp
        , foo_price
        , foo_date
   FROM   foo
   ) sub;

This works because count() only counts non-null values. So all rows with NULL end up in the same group as the last row with an actual value. Exactly what you need.

Leading null values (effectively group "0") end up with NULL. Add a default with COALESCE if you want. For instance to fill in 0 instead of NULL:

     , COALESCE(first_value(foo_price) OVER (...), 0) AS fixed_foo_price

Backfill missing data in postgresql walkthrough demo

Create a table called my_money with an index, numeric with nulls, and a date then insert some rows.

drop table if exists my_money; 
CREATE TABLE my_money ( tick     character varying(10), 
                        cci_val  numeric(5,2), 
                        date_val date); 
insert into my_money values('BTC', 35.3, '2021-10-10'); 
insert into my_money values('BTC', null, '2021-10-9'); 
insert into my_money values('BTC',  9.9, '2021-10-8'); 
insert into my_money values('BTC', null, '2021-10-7'); 
insert into my_money values('BTC', null, '2021-10-6'); 
insert into my_money values('BTC',  3.0, '2021-10-5'); 
insert into my_money values('BTC', null, '2021-10-4'); 
select * from my_money;
│ tick │ cci_val │  date_val  │ 
│ BTC  │   35.30 │ 2021-10-10 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │ 2021-10-09 │   <-- want 9.90 to fill here.
│ BTC  │    9.90 │ 2021-10-08 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │ 2021-10-07 │   <-- want 3.00 to fill here.
│ BTC  │       ¤ │ 2021-10-06 │   <-- want 3.00 to fill here.
│ BTC  │    3.00 │ 2021-10-05 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │ 2021-10-04 │   <-- want a default begin val to fill here.

Make a temporary table to construct our backfilled column named: backfilled_cci_val

drop table if exists my_money2; 
CREATE TABLE my_money2 as ( 
    SELECT tick, cci_val, 
        first_value(cci_val) OVER (
        PARTITION BY tick, grp ORDER BY date_val) AS backfilled_cci_val, 
    FROM ( 
        SELECT tick, 
        count(cci_val) OVER (PARTITION BY tick ORDER BY date_val) AS grp,
        cci_val, date_val
        FROM   my_money where tick = 'BTC'
    ) sub order by date_val desc
select * from my_money2;
│ tick │ cci_val │ backfilled_cci_val │  date_val  │ 
│ BTC  │   35.30 │              35.30 │ 2021-10-10 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │               9.90 │ 2021-10-09 │ 
│ BTC  │    9.90 │               9.90 │ 2021-10-08 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │               3.00 │ 2021-10-07 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │               3.00 │ 2021-10-06 │ 
│ BTC  │    3.00 │               3.00 │ 2021-10-05 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │                  ¤ │ 2021-10-04 │  <-- set a default value

So far so good but we can't backfill the first null, because there it has no prior, so you'll have to decide a default begin value manually with an update:

update my_money2 set backfilled_cci_val = -1 
where tick = 'BTC' 
and backfilled_cci_val is null; 
select * from my_money2; 
│ tick │ cci_val │ backfilled_cci_val │  date_val  │ 
│ BTC  │   35.30 │              35.30 │ 2021-10-10 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │               9.90 │ 2021-10-09 │ 
│ BTC  │    9.90 │               9.90 │ 2021-10-08 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │               3.00 │ 2021-10-07 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │               3.00 │ 2021-10-06 │ 
│ BTC  │    3.00 │               3.00 │ 2021-10-05 │ 
│ BTC  │       ¤ │                 -1 │ 2021-10-04 │ 

Final step is to substitute the backfilled_cci_val from the new table back into cci_val from the original table:

update my_money set cci_val = backfilled_cci_val 
from my_money2 where my_money.date_val = my_money2.date_val; 
select * from my_money;
│ tick │ cci_val │  date_val  │ 
│ BTC  │   35.30 │ 2021-10-10 │ 
│ BTC  │    9.90 │ 2021-10-09 │ 
│ BTC  │    9.90 │ 2021-10-08 │ 
│ BTC  │    3.00 │ 2021-10-07 │ 
│ BTC  │    3.00 │ 2021-10-06 │ 
│ BTC  │    3.00 │ 2021-10-05 │ 
│ BTC  │   -1.00 │ 2021-10-04 │ 

Alternatively, if you like to live dangerously and backfill one-shot and in-place:

This update statement does the same as all the above, except does it inplace on the existing table.

update my_money f1 set cci_val = backfilled_cci_val from (
    SELECT tick, 
    first_value(cci_val) OVER 
        (PARTITION BY tick, grp ORDER BY date_val) AS backfilled_cci_val,
    FROM (
        SELECT tick,
        count(cci_val) OVER (PARTITION BY tick ORDER BY date_val) AS grp,
        cci_val, date_val
        FROM   my_money where tick = 'BTC'
    ) sub order by date_val desc
) f2 where f1.date_val = f2.date_val and f1.tick = 'BTC' and f1.tick = f2.tick;
update my_money set cci_val = -1 where tick = 'BTC' and cci_val is null;

Which produces the same final result explained above.

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