i m trying to limit the rows to where the sum a column equals a certain value but i m getting unexpected results.

  id int not null,
  volume decimal(9,4) not null,
  price decimal(9,2) not null

insert buy (id, volume, price) values 
(1, 1.0000, 14250.00),
(2, 0.2500, 14251.10),
(3, 0.2500, 14250.00),
(4, 0.0050, 14200.00),
(5, 0.5000, 14255.01);

expected result selected ids 5,2,1(because ordering by higest price) but it selects ids 2,1,3

SELECT t.id, t.volume, t.price,
(SELECT SUM(volume) FROM buy WHERE id <= t.id) 'RequiredVolume'
FROM buy t
HAVING RequiredVolume <= '1.5000'
ORDER BY price DESC, id ASC;

| id | volume |   price | RequiredVolume |
|  2 |   0.25 | 14251.1 |           1.25 |
|  1 |      1 |   14250 |              1 |
|  3 |   0.25 |   14250 |            1.5 |


  • I'm unsure as to why you expect 5,2,1 and not 4 and three. It's also not clear what you are trying to sum. Right now you sum the volumes of everything below the current ID so 5 and 4 have a requiredvolume of over 1.5 so it's clear those records won't be returned. Also you probably shouldn't compare requiredvolume to a string literal.
    – Tom V
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 11:52
  • Can you tell me how this is different to the other question that I answered for you here? Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 14:32
  • i really didn't see your answer. it's perfect works thank u
    – memo
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 14:39

2 Answers 2


I think the problem could be due to the nested query being >= and not =.

This gives the output you described:

SELECT t.id, t.volume, t.price,
(SELECT SUM(volume) FROM buy WHERE id = t.id) 'RequiredVolume'
FROM buy t
HAVING RequiredVolume <= '1.5000'
ORDER BY price DESC, id ASC;

Memo - Can you please post what your expected results would be for all fields and not just the ID ordering.

  • No it doesn't, it returns all rows, not just 5,2,1
    – Tom V
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 11:48
  • Because all the rows meet the filtering criteria of being less than the required volume of 1.5? Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 11:50
  • 1
    OP states "expected result selected ids 5,2,1". Not sure why he expects them though, I asked for clarification on the question
    – Tom V
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 11:53
  • Thank you. The expected RequiredVolume for ID 5 would be 2.005 if the current <= logic is correct. Which in turn wouldn't meet the criteria for <= 1.5 Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 11:55
  • what about using <> and why id 4 selected? HAVING RequiredVolume <> 1.5000
    – memo
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 12:29

I'm not a MySQL guy, but maybe this works for you though it will only return records 5 and 2 because records 5, 2, and 1 have a rolling sum of 1.75 instead of the 1.5 you're filtering for.

SELECT t.id, t.volume, t.price,
(SELECT SUM(volume) FROM buy WHERE (id <> t.id AND price > t.price) OR (id < t.id AND price = t.price) OR (id = t.id)) 'RequiredVolume'
FROM buy t
HAVING RequiredVolume <= 1.5
ORDER BY price DESC, id ASC;

Here's the SQLFiddle with the HAVING clause commented out to show this would only return records 5 and 2 in the event this logic is indeed what you're after.

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