i m trying to limit the rows to where the sum a column equals a certain value but i m getting unexpected results.
id int not null,
volume decimal(9,4) not null,
price decimal(9,2) not null
insert buy (id, volume, price) values
(1, 1.0000, 14250.00),
(2, 0.2500, 14251.10),
(3, 0.2500, 14250.00),
(4, 0.0050, 14200.00),
(5, 0.5000, 14255.01);
expected result selected ids 5,2,1(because ordering by higest price) but it selects ids 2,1,3
SELECT t.id, t.volume, t.price,
(SELECT SUM(volume) FROM buy WHERE id <= t.id) 'RequiredVolume'
FROM buy t
HAVING RequiredVolume <= '1.5000'
ORDER BY price DESC, id ASC;
| id | volume | price | RequiredVolume |
| 2 | 0.25 | 14251.1 | 1.25 |
| 1 | 1 | 14250 | 1 |
| 3 | 0.25 | 14250 | 1.5 |