I have a SQL Server 2016 temporal table query that I’m having a hard time figuring out an efficient way to write.
Let’s say I have a temporal table called [Users] that each day has the total body of users in a group. Each day users can have a status of ('A', 'B', 'C', 'Y', 'Z')
If you wanted to select the current version of the table I would simply write
, [Status] --where the user status would be listed as 'A', 'B', 'C', 'Y', or 'Z'
, [InsertDate] --record creation date which isn't related to the System-versioning fields
, [SysStartTime] --<start_date_time> which could be omitted from the simple query
, [SysEndTime] --<end_date_time> which could be omitted from the simple query
FROM [Users]
If I wanted to look up how the table looked on 6am of October 2nd, 2017 I know could write:
, [Status]
, [InsertDate]
, [SysStartTime]
, [SysEndTime]
FROM [Users]
FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2017-10-02 06:00:00'
Easy enough and I could count the number of people with various statuses using a simple SUM function.
Where my problem begins is when I want to analyse trends over a longer period. In theory I want a picture of how the table looked on each day of that extended timespan. Like if I was looking at 20 contiguous days of data with the [Users] table having on average 5000 rows per a day I would hope that my query would return about 100000 records.
My initial thought was a to pass in a subquery to the 'FOR...AS OF' statement but SQL Server does not seem to like that. I have tried a bunch of things many of which look something like this:
, [Status]
, [InsertDate]
, [SysStartTime]
, [SysEndTime]
FROM [Users]
Am I missing something obvious about how to pass a set of date values to 'AS OF'? Should I instead be using the 'SELECT..FROM..FOR..AS OF' as a function, pass a parameter to it then UNION the resulting data sets together?
Just for reference, I'm in a data warehousing environment where I'd want to schedule the query to happen in advance rather than needing it to run on demand.