Given the following schema

CREATE TABLE categories
    name NVARCHAR(50)


    uuid CHAR(17)

    logger_uuid CHAR(17),
    category_name NVARCHAR(50),
    recorded_on DATETIME

And the following rules

  1. Each data record references a logger and a category
  2. Each logger will always have a group
  3. Each group can have multiple loggers
  4. I only want to count the most recent data recorded

category_name isn't unique per row, it's just a way to associate a given data record under a category, id is really just a surrogate key.

What would be the optimum way to achieve the a resultset like

category_id | logger_group_count
12345          4
67890          2
.....          ...

i.e. count the no. of groups for each category where a logger has recorded data?

As an initial stab I came up with:

SELECT g.id, COUNT(DISTINCT(a.id)) AS logger_group_count 
FROM categories g
  LEFT OUTER JOIN data d ON d.category_name = g.name
  INNER JOIN logger s ON s.uuid = d.logger_uuid
  INNER JOIN group a ON a.id = s.group_id

But is extremely slow (~45s), data has 400k+ records - here's the query plan and here's a fiddle to play with.

I want to make sure I'm eeking the most out of the query before I start looking at other things i.e. hardware utilization etc. Azure SQL costs can go up substantially (even though you maybe just need a little more juice off your current tier).

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    Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat. Use that chat room for further troubleshooting and be sure to keep the question body up to date.
    – Paul White
    Commented Feb 18, 2018 at 22:30

5 Answers 5


You're on a newer version of SQL Server so the actual plan gives you a lot of information. See the caution sign on the SELECT operator? That means that SQL Server generated a warning which could affect query performance. You should always look at those:

<PlanAffectingConvert ConvertIssue="Seek Plan" Expression="[s].[logger_uuid]=CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nchar(17),[d].[uuid],0)" />
<PlanAffectingConvert ConvertIssue="Seek Plan" Expression="CONVERT_IMPLICIT(nvarchar(100),[d].[name],0)=[g].[name]" />

There are two data type conversions caused by your schema. Based on the warnings I suspect that name is actually an NVARCHAR(100) and logger_uuid is an NCHAR(17). The posted table schema in the question may not be correct. You should understand the root cause of why these conversions are happening and fix it. Some types of data type conversions prevent index seeks, lead to cardinality estimate issues, and cause other problems.

Another important thing to check is wait stats. You can see those in the details of the SELECT operator as well. Here's the XML for your wait stats and the time spent by the query:

<Wait WaitType="RESOURCE_GOVERNOR_IDLE" WaitTimeMs="49515" WaitCount="3773" />
<Wait WaitType="SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD" WaitTimeMs="57164" WaitCount="2466" />
<QueryTimeStats ElapsedTime="67135" CpuTime="10007" />

I'm not a cloud guy but it looks like your query isn't able to fully engage a CPU. That's probably related to your current Azure tier. The query only needed about 10 seconds of CPU when executing but it took 67 seconds. I believe that 50 seconds of that time was spent being throttled and 7 seconds of that time was given to you but used on other queries that were concurrently running. The bad news is that the query is slower than it could be due to your tier. The good news it that any reductions in CPU could lead to a 5X reduction in run time. In other words, if you can get the query to use 1 second of CPU then you might see a runtime of around 5 seconds.

Next you can look at the Actual Time Statistics property in your operator details to see where the CPU time was spent. Your plan uses row mode so the CPU time for an operator is the sum of time spent by that operator as well as its children. This is a relatively simple plan so it doesn't take long to discover that the clustered index scan on logger_data uses 6527 ms of CPU time. The loop join that calls it uses 10006 ms of CPU time, so all of your query's CPU is spent at that step. Another clue that something is going wrong at that step can be found by looking at the thickness of the relative arrows:

thick arrows

A lot of rows are returned from that operator so it's worth looking at detail. Looking at the actual number of rows for the clustered index scan you can see that 14088885 rows were returned and 14100798 rows were read. However, the table cardinality is just 484803 rows. Intuitively that seems pretty inefficient, right? The clustered index scan returns far more than the number of rows in the table. Some other plan with a different join type or access method on the table is likely to be more efficient.

Why did SQL Server read and return so many rows? The clustered index is on the inner side of a nested loop. There are 38 rows returned by the outer side of the loop (the scan on the logger table) so the scan on logger_data executes 38 times. 484803*38 = 18422514 which is pretty close to the number of rows read. So why did SQL Server choose such a plan that feels so inefficient? It even estimates that it'll do 57 scans of the table, so arguably the plan that you got was more efficient than it suspected.

You might have been wondering why there's a TOP operator in your plan. SQL Server introduced a row goal to when creating a query plan for your query. This might be more detail than you want, but the short version is that SQL Server does not always need to return all rows from a clustered index scan. Sometimes it can stop early if it only needs a fixed number of rows and it finds those rows before it reaches the end of the scan. A scan isn't as expensive if it can stop early so the operator cost is discounted by a formula when a row goal is present. In other words, SQL Server expects to scan the clustered index 57 times, but it thinks that it will find the single row that it needs very quickly. It only needs a single row from each scan due to the presence of the TOP operator.

You can make your query faster by encouraging the query optimizer to pick a plan that doesn't scan the logger_data table 38 times. This might be as simple as eliminating the data type conversions. That could allow SQL Server to do an index seek instead of a scan. If not, fix the conversions and create a covering index for the logger_data:

CREATE INDEX IX ON logger_data (category_name, logger_uuid);

The query optimizer chooses a plan based on cost. Adding this index makes it unlikely to get the slow plan which does many scans on logger_data because it'll be cheaper to access the table through an index seek instead of a clustered index scan.

If you aren't able to add the index you can consider adding a query hint to disable the introduction of row goals: USE HINT('DISABLE_OPTIMIZER_ROWGOAL')). You should only do this if you feel comfortable with the concept of row goals and understand them. Adding that hint should result in a different plan, but I can't say how efficient it'll be.


Start by ensuring each table has all candidate keys declared, and foreign keys enforced:

CREATE TABLE dbo.categories
    id uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
        CONSTRAINT [UQ dbo.categories id]
    [name] nvarchar(50) NOT NULL 
        CONSTRAINT [PK dbo.categories name]

-- Choose a better name for this table
CREATE TABLE dbo.[group]
    id uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
        CONSTRAINT [PK dbo.group id]

CREATE TABLE dbo.logger
    id uniqueidentifier 
        CONSTRAINT [UQ dbo.logger id]
    group_id uniqueidentifier NOT NULL
        CONSTRAINT [FK dbo.group id]
        FOREIGN KEY (group_id)
        REFERENCES [dbo].[group] (id),
    uuid char(17) NOT NULL
        CONSTRAINT [PK dbo.logger uuid]

CREATE TABLE dbo.logger_data
    id uniqueidentifier 
        CONSTRAINT [PK dbo.logger_data id]
    logger_uuid char(17) NOT NULL
        CONSTRAINT [FK dbo.logger_data uuid]
        FOREIGN KEY (logger_uuid)
        REFERENCES dbo.logger (uuid),
    category_name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL
        CONSTRAINT [dbo.logger_data name]
        FOREIGN KEY (category_name)
        REFERENCES dbo.categories ([name]),
    recorded_on datetime NOT NULL,

    INDEX [dbo.logger_data logger_uuid recorded_on] 
        CLUSTERED (logger_uuid, recorded_on)

I have also added a non-unique clustered index to logger_data on logger_uuid, recorded_on.

Then notice the biggest task in your execution plan is the scan of the 484,836 rows in the data table. Since you are only interested in the most recent reading for a particular logger, and there are only 48 loggers currently, it is more efficient to replace that full scan with 48 singleton seeks:

    category_id = C.id, 
    logger_group_count = COUNT_BIG(DISTINCT L.group_id)
FROM dbo.logger AS L
    -- Latest reading per logger
    SELECT TOP (1) 
    FROM  dbo.logger_data AS LD
    WHERE LD.logger_uuid = L.uuid
        LD.recorded_on DESC
JOIN dbo.categories AS C
    ON C.[name] = LDT1.category_name

The execution plan is:

Estimated plan


You should also patch your instance from 2017 RTM to the latest cumulative update.


Why do you need the join on Group?

Why is Categories g?

SELECT c.id, COUNT(DISTINCT(s.group_id)) AS logger_group_count 
FROM categories c
JOIN data d 
  ON d.category_name = c.name
JOIN logger s 
  ON s.uuid = d.logger_uuid
GROUP BY c.id  

I hope in real life you are declaring the foreign keys.

You should have an index on each of those join columns.


Problem areas are :

  1. Improper data type :If data type is INT that means less data page and no index fragmentation, if it is NewSequentialID that means more data page and no index fragmentation, with UNIQUEIDENTIFIER you get both problem.So INT data type is ideal choice.
  2. Data type and length of both column should be same in relationship column : for example, a.category_name = g.NAME Logger_data Clustered index scan in plan suggest both column length should be 50 or 100,so that Optimizer do not have to spend time doing Convert_Implicit Even better, relationship should be define with int data type like CategoryID int`.
  3. If this query is very important and frequently use then you can think of Denormalization,in your example I can't say how ?

Try below query,

    SELECT g.id
            WHEN rn = 1
                THEN 1
            ELSE 0
FROM categories g
    SELECT d.category_name
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
            PARTITION BY d.category_name
            ,s.group_id ORDER BY s.group_id
            ) rn
    FROM data d
    INNER JOIN logger s ON s.uuid = d.logger_uuid
        --INNER JOIN [group] a ON a.id = s.group_id
    ) a ON a.category_name = g.NAME

I like @Paparazzi idea so I have incorporated it.

I think plan is better than your. With above correction and index tuning it will perform even better.

you need to correct here,

ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by d.category_name,a.id order by s.group_id )rn 

order by s.group_id , it should be order by DateOrIDcolumn desc which give latest record.with your sample I am not able to make out how to find latest record.

Also notice partition by d.category_name this should have been partition by d.CatgoryID.


Thanks to a great answer from @JoeObbish I was better able to understand the query plan and work out where it was struggling and what indexes I could use to improve it. In between this, the goal posts did change a little as I forgot to mention that I needed this to only be applicable to the latest reading from each logger e.g. if logger_a recorded data under category_x @ 11:50 and category_y @ 11:51 I would only want to count this as category_y.

Here's the resultant SQL

;WITH logger_data AS (
    RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY logger_uuid ORDER BY recorded_on DESC)
  FROM data
SELECT c.id, count(DISTINCT l.group_id) FROM categories c
INNER JOIN logger_data d on d.category_name = c.name
INNER JOIN logger l ON l.uuid = d.logger_uuid

This is still an expensive query, however, with the following indexes applied

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_latest ON "dbo"."data"
    recorded_on DESC
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX ix_groups ON "dbo"."logger"

Goes from ~25s to ~3s and for a table with ~500k rows. Pretty happy with this, I think there is probably more room for improvement but as it stands this is good enough.

Here is the final plan, any other suggestions / improvements welcome.

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