When I run a SQL statement interactively in a MySQL 5.7 client it tells me how long the query ran:
mysql> select now();
select now()
| now() |
| 2018-03-09 14:27:42 |
1 row in set (0.07 sec)
In this case it ran for 0.07 seconds.
But when I run the same SQL statement through a script the output does not include the time the statement took.
>mysql -f -v --table -u myuser -pmypassword -h myhost mydb < test.sql
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
select now()
| now() |
| 2018-03-09 14:31:00 |
How can I run a SQL statement from a script and still get back the length of time that it ran using the MySQL 5.7 client?
Thanks! Bobby