I need to change shard index from range to hashed in a sharded collection. So I need to mongodump and restore the collection. I have 3 shards with 3 replica sets.MongoDB version is: 3.2.11 I started mongodump from one of mongoses.
mongodump --collection Collname --db dbname
I have "count" : 12925651, "size" : 21233976913 in main collection.
But mongodump is done at %75 with
[##################......] dbname.Collname 9700124/12925651 (75.0%) done dumping dbname.Collname (9700124 documents)
I restore the dump to another db and collection size is smaller than the main collection.
It seems that mongodump doesn't take data from one of the shards. Shard distribution is :
Totals data : 19.77GiB docs : 12925651 chunks : 475 Shard shard01 contains 24.98% data, 24.98% docs in cluster, avg obj size on shard : 1KiB Shard shard02 contains 50.03% data, 50.03% docs in cluster, avg obj size on shard : 1KiB Shard shard03 contains 24.98% data, 24.98% docs in cluster, avg obj size on shard : 1KiB
What is the problem? And what can i do for replacing the shard index?
mongodb orphan document
to get more information of orphans and how to remove those.