Does anyone know how can I select rows that contain maximum value for some group of fields based on some criteria?
For instance, let's say I have the following table:
ID fieldA fieldB fieldC
1 A X 1
2 A X 2
3 A X 3
4 A Y 4
5 A Y 1
6 B Y 2
7 B Z 3
8 B Z 4
9 B Z 5
Let's say that I want a table with results of maximum values of fieldC for each different entry of fieldA where fieldB=X, fieldB=Y, fieldB=Z and so on. The result should be:
ID fieldA fieldB fieldC
3 A X 3
4 A Y 4
6 B Y 2
9 B Z 5
I know how to do it for one criteria, but not for a set of criteria:
SELECT fieldA, MAX(fieldC) AS maxFieldC
FROM table1
WHERE fieldA = 'A'
I tried a UNION
clause, but I couldn't make it work.