Sorry for misleading question but I don't know hot to name my issue.

My db<>fiidle is here.

I have a table with defined as follows:

     worker_name VARCHAR(25), 
     log_time DATETIME, 
     in_out VARCHAR(3)

It contains the following data:

INSERT INTO shift VALUES ('User 1', '2018-05-14 07:24:40.000', 'IN');
INSERT INTO shift VALUES ('User 2', '2018-05-14 11:55:29.000', 'IN');
INSERT INTO shift VALUES ('User 3', '2018-05-14 14:03:26.000', 'IN');
INSERT INTO shift VALUES ('User 1', '2018-05-14 14:05:08.000', 'Out');
INSERT INTO shift VALUES ('User 3', '2018-05-14 20:08:30.000', 'Out');
INSERT INTO shift VALUES ('User 2', '2018-05-14 20:08:36.000', 'Out');
INSERT INTO shift VALUES ('User 4', '2018-05-14 20:09:14.000', 'Out');

And as a result I would like to get:

worker_name | IN                  | OUT
:---------- | :------------------ | :------------------
User 1      | 14/05/2018 07:24:40 | 14/05/2018 14:05:08   
User 2      | 14/05/2018 11:55:29 | 14/05/2018 20:08:36   
User 3      | 14/05/2018 14:03:26 | 14/05/2018 20:08:30     
User 4      |      ----------     | 14/05/2018 20:09:14 

How can I achieve that?

  • Can a worker has more than one IN or one OUT?
    – McNets
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 13:41
  • no, a worker has only one IN and one OUT, if exists. It can be there is only IN, or OUT. But cannot have more than one.
    – gerpaick
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 13:45
  • What happens if there is only one IN or one OUT?
    – McNets
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 13:46
  • For example in 'User 4': there should be something like '---'
    – gerpaick
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 13:57
  • 1
    Maybe the others answers are the way to go if your situation, but don't forget that you work into a team. I propose more general and error prone solutions: 1 Ask programmers to do their job and provide queries adapted to your data model. 2 Ask your analyst to change the data model to adapt to real use cases modelling. Commented May 18, 2018 at 16:36

4 Answers 4


This is an example of pivoting:

select worker_name, max(_in) as _in, max(_out) as _out 
from (
    select worker_name
         , case when in_out = 'IN' then log_time end as _in
         , case when in_out = 'OUT' then log_time end as _out 
    from shift
) as t 
group by worker_name;

The idea is to map log_time to _in when in_out = 'IN', ditto for _out. In the outer select an aggregate function is used to filter out nulls. Try running the inner select first to get an idea of what is happening.

In general, the presentation of data is better handled by the application layer. So I would suggest reading the table as is, and let the presentation of the data be handled by the application.


This appears to create the desired result in your db<>fiddle.

WITH sIN(Ctr, worker_name, log_time)
AS (
 SELECT ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY worker_name ORDER BY log_time) AS     Ctr, worker_name, log_time
 FROM shift
 WHERE in_out = 'IN'
 ),sOUT(Ctr, worker_name, log_time)
AS (
 SELECT ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY worker_name ORDER BY log_time) AS Ctr, worker_name, log_time
 FROM shift
 WHERE in_out = 'Out'
  SELECT ISNULL(sIN.worker_name, sOUT.worker_name) AS worker_name,
    ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),sIN.log_time,120),'-----') AS [In],
    ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30),sOUT.log_time,120),'-----') AS [Out]
   ON sIN.worker_name = sOUT.worker_name AND sIN.Ctr = sOUT.Ctr
 ORDER BY 1,2,3

However, there's nothing preventing IN from being after OUT on the resultset. A more thorough solution could solve that, but I leave it as an exercise for the reader.

  • Hmm, just realized OP commented "a worker has only one IN and one OUT" so this solution is probably overkill. I was thinking each worker had multiple INs and OUTs, like timekeeping over a week or month.
    – D_W
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 22:00

There is no constraint on that table to stop multiple in or out
Put a PK or unique constraint on worker_name, in_out

select s1.worker_name, sIn.in_out as in, sOut.in_out as out
  from shift sIn
  full outer join shift sOut 
    on sIn.worker_name = sOut.worker_name  
   and sIn.In_out  = 'IN'
   and sOut.in_out = 'Out' 
 order by s1.worker_name, sIn.in_out, sOut.in_out

This should get you started:

    select s1.worker_name, s1.in_out as in, s2.in_out as out
    from shift s1
    left join shift s2 on s1.worker_name = s2.worker_name 
    and cast(s1.log_time as date) = cast(s2.log_time as date)
    where s1.In_out = 'IN'
    and isnull(s2.in_out,'Out') = 'Out'

Maybe you want a full outer join instead of a left, to make it look exactly like your desired output. I'd try it with both and see which you prefer.

As a few have mentioned, without the isnull fuction, you may as well have inner joined.

There are a few other places you can apply isnull() to potentially change the output, too. In the join, for example.

  • 2
    You miss workers that log in and out on different dates. Since there are only 1 in, and 1 out, you can remove the date predicate from the join. You will still miss workers with only 1 in_out. Commented May 18, 2018 at 14:14
  • 1
    in this example, yea. It's a bit weird to me to have a table that doesn't store the ins and outs for all time, though.
    – James
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 14:16
  • if a worker forgets to log in or out, so there is one 'in/out' missing, for that i woul like to have ' ---- ' for missing 'in/out' instead of missing row
    – gerpaick
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 14:18
  • 1
    ahh, then you'll want an isnull(In,'----')
    – James
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 14:19
  • None of the log_time match in the data provided. The where would break the left.
    – paparazzo
    Commented May 18, 2018 at 15:14

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