In a project where I work the sql for selecting objects does always select for update, whether the context is a transaction or not.
My question is if it has any risk, or performance issue, or chance causing deadlock or something else naughty ?
I know that select for update can lock a row only inside a transaction and that is the common use case.
I provide below two concrete use cases, and after the select for update used regardless of inside of transaction or not.
Use case 1 - Just select a book and return it
book = booksRepository->getBook(7);
return book;
Use case 2 - Transaction, Select the book, check that is valid and if so update
book = booksRepository->getBook(7);
if (//some condition with the book properties) {
bookRepository->updateBookAuthor(7, 'bbb');
In both of the above examples, the function getBook inside the repository does select for update
WHERE id = :id
I asked the other devs and the answer to why they do this was "Because otherwise we would have to create two functions in the repository, one getBook and one getBookForUpdate, so we just select always for update"...
That answer does not provide any insight or explanation for where I can learn, so I am asking here.