I have SQL Server running in a docker image. I have an extended event session running on it. I can connect to it fine and view live data with SSMS. I can use T-SQL to view the histogram target. If this was a windows box, I could use logman.exe to view and manage the event trace session. How do I do it in SQL Server for Linux?
I am absolutely sure that the ETW is getting created.
xes.name AS [Session Name],
CAST(xest.target_data AS xml) [Histogram XML],
FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets xest
INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions xes ON xes.address = xest.event_session_address
WHERE xest.target_name = 'etw_classic_sync_target';
<ETWTarget truncated="0">
However, if I execute find / -iname XEEtw.etl
inside bash on the docker container I get no results. I know that SQL Server on Linux is running its own internal copy of Windows NT. I just don't know if that ETW is exposed.