I've been searching and testing for hours and still can't figure this out. MySQL version 5.7.23 on both slave and master.

Replication over SSL is failing with the following error message:

Slave I/O for channel '': error connecting to master '[email protected]:3306' - retry-time: 60 retries: 1, Error_code: 2026

Replication works fine without SSL, so I know that the replication user and password are correct, and port 3306 is not blocked. I can connect with SSL from the command line with the same user and password combination:

mysql -u replslave1 -pxxxx -h stuff.stuff.com --ssl --ssl-ca='/etc/mysql/master-ca.pem' --ssl-capath='/etc/mysql' --ssl-cert='/etc/mysql/repl1-pub.pem' --ssl-key='/etc/mysql/repl1-priv.pem' --ssl-cipher='DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA'

When I do this from the command line the cipher shows as DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA.

Any ideas are welcome.

  • @hot2use thanks for the edit. What is the markup you use for showing the error message that way? Commented Aug 28, 2018 at 19:18
  • A simple > with an additional space.
    – John K. N.
    Commented Aug 28, 2018 at 19:49

3 Answers 3


Finally! 6 - 8 hours of work later:

The problem in my case was that the slave server has 2 network interfaces and the usable/public IP address is assigned to the second interface. The first, which I assume that MySQL/OpenSSL is using as a default, does not have an IP address.

I solved by adding MASTER_BIND to my CHANGE_MASTER statement.


I feel your pain :-) I was having the exact same issue: manual MySQL SSL connections worked but SSL replication failed to connect with 2026.

Though, I ended up with a different solution. The default generated keys (during MySQL installation), that I had copied to the client, did not have generous enough read-permissions. So this became my solution:

chmod a+r client-key.pem

  • 1
    That may be too much read permissions. You might want to change the ownership of those files instead, probably to mysql:mysql. Commented Aug 31, 2018 at 13:06

I also discovered another cause of this 2026 error: In the directory defined by MASTER_SSL_CAPATH (in 'show slave status' output this appears as Master_SSL_CA_Path) I had generated a new SSL request/public_key/private_key set (for a new client) that were owned by a different user and the private key was not readable by mysql. Once I changed the ownership of those files to mysql:mysql replication started right back up.

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