Our Solr Pro-process is failing with below error:

[2018/08/28 14:31:36:104 CDT] 00000001 W com.ibm.commerce.foundation.dataimport.preprocess.AbstractDataPreProcessor:createDBTable(Connection, String, String) create XI_CATENTRY_PRICE_0 with error: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-601, SQLSTATE=42710, SQLERRMC=WCSSTGAP.XI_CATENTRY_PRICE_0;TABLE, DRIVER=4.19.49

I suspect that DROP table XI_CATENTRY_PRICE_0 is failing and ultimately causing the creation of the existing table.

How could I resolve this?

1 Answer 1


The -601 happens because table WCSSTGAP.XI_CATENTRY_PRICE_0 already exists , so it cannot be created again while it exists.

Either drop that table manually and retry, or check back in the log file(s) to find if a previous DROP TABLE WCSSTGAP.XI_CATENTRY_PRICE_0 did fail (and then solve that problem first). You will need to find root cause.

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