My question is whether it is safe to perform multiple dumps at the same time in mysql, i.e. running:

mysql -u root -p database1 < database1.sql

mysql -u root -p database2 < database2.sql

on the same host and database server of course;

The databases will be empty when the process starts; (just created from cmd)

These are huge dumps if it matters, one file is 10G and the other 100G.

  • In most cases serial data load is more fast than parallel one.
    – Akina
    Commented Sep 27, 2018 at 8:21
  • The processes are likely to be heavy on I/O, so multiple parallel loads may saturate the I/O bandwidth.
    – Rick James
    Commented Oct 11, 2018 at 4:38

1 Answer 1


In general terms is safe as long as the databases are "independent". With this I mean each database has references only to itself.

For MySQL in particular VIEWs to missing tables are a problem.

Let me illustrate with an example:

create schema database1;
create table database1.mytable (id int);
create schema database2;
create view database2.myview as select * from database1.mytable;

We take separate dumps: database1.sql and database2.sql

If you try to restore them on a different server, we must pay attention to the restore order, let's say we are starting with empty schemas database1 and database2

This will work:

mysql -u root database1 < database1.sql
mysql -u root database2 < database2.sql

But this will fail:

mysql -u root -p database2 < database2.sql
mysql -u root -p database1 < database1.sql

Because the database2.myview references a table that does not exist.

TLDR: if you are running database restores in parallel and there are references between them you could get into trouble.

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