I need to understand following behavior of memory distribution across numa nodes within sql server
Current set up:
2 node cluster SQL server 2014 SP2
with virtualization disabled
We have 4 NUMA nodes with 4 sockets with each 20 cores making total of 80 logical processors available using ent core based licensing. Total memory on box is 1 TB with max memory to 656 GB to sql
When checking the memory usage as i blve each numa node will have its own based on max memory/ no of numa nodes:
Therefore all 4 numa nodes have total node memories as 164 GB each.
However when i check the available free across each node they vary by quite a that is numa nodes 0 has 256 MB available, node 1 has 127, node 3 has 111 and 4 has 28.
Similarly when i check the PLE it also responds similarly across all numa nodes- ie on avg node 1 is having ple of 687, 2 with ple 699, 3 with ple 333 and 4 with 122. I know these PLE is just avg and max min changes throughout the day.
But can this uneven distribution cause a performance issue or is there a change which can be implemented? Thanks