Today's issue consists of nulling a specific value when the number in the vehicle column changes, for example, from 1087 to 1088. The reason is so that the miles traveled column will calculate appropriately. If you look at the picture below, once the result set goes from one vehicle to another, the previous odometer reading is pulled that is for the previous vehicle. To fix this issue, I want to make this cell changed to 0 or null, but only when the vehicle changes. Is this possible?
Edit: I apologize for not being thorough in my description. The challenging part is that I cannot use another query to manipulate the data, all of the changes must be made in the query that produced this table AND it must be done for the previous hour column as well. I apologize for everyone who has already attempted to help! I can provide the query if needed!
@rptStartDate date,
@rptEndDate date
Set @rptStartDate = '11/1/2018'
Set @rptEndDate = '11/30/2018'
Select e.AccountingCode As [Vehicle], CONCAT(e.year + ' ', e.make + ' ', e.model + ' ', CAST(e.[Description] as VARCHAR(80))) As Name,
IIF(cff.StringType = '', cff1.StringType, cff.StringType) as 'Operator', fta.Fluid, so.Odometer, LAG(so.Odometer) OVER (ORDER BY e.AccountingCode) 'Previous Odometer', so.Odometer - LAG(so.Odometer) OVER (ORDER BY e.AccountingCode) 'Miles Traveled',
sh.Hour, LAG(sh.Hour) OVER (ORDER BY e.AccountingCode) 'Previous Hours', sh.Hour - LAG(sh.Hour) OVER (ORDER BY e.AccountingCode) 'Hours Used' ,fta.FIFOTotalCost/fta.TotalGallons as [Avg Price],
fta.TotalGallons As [Total Gallons], fta.FIFOTotalCost As [Total Cost]
from Equipment as e left outer join
(SELECT cf.CustomFieldID, cf.EntityID, cf.StringType, cfc.FieldName, cfc.CategoryType, cfc.EntityName
CustomField_Category AS cfc ON cf.CustomField_CategoryID = cfc.CustomField_CategoryID
WHERE cfc.FieldName = 'Operator' and cf.IsDeleted = 0) as cff on e.EquipmentID = cff.EntityID left outer join
(SELECT cf.CustomFieldID, cf.EntityID, cf.StringType, cfc.FieldName, cfc.CategoryType, cfc.EntityName
CustomField_Category AS cfc ON cf.CustomField_CategoryID = cfc.CustomField_CategoryID
WHERE cfc.FieldName = 'Unassigned Description' and cf.IsDeleted = 0) as cff1 on e.EquipmentID = cff1.EntityID left outer join
-- The first and last hour meter reading value after the start date for each piece of equipment
(Select emh.Equipment_EquipmentID, emh.TrueReading as 'Hour'
from Equipment_MeterHistory as emh
group by emh.Equipment_EquipmentID, emh.TrueReading) as sh on e.EquipmentID = sh.Equipment_EquipmentID left outer join
-- The first and last odometer reading value after the start date for each piece of equipment
(Select emh.Equipment_EquipmentID, emh.TrueReading as 'Odometer'
from Equipment_OdometerHistory as emh
group by emh.Equipment_EquipmentID, emh.TrueReading) as so on e.EquipmentID = so.Equipment_EquipmentID left outer join
-- Fuel total gallons and cost per container per fluid
(SELECT fcD.EquipmentID, fcD.FluidID as 'FluidID', MAX(f.code) as 'Fluid',
SUM(CASE WHEN ft.DestinationContainerID = ftd.DestinationContainerID THEN fti.Quantity ELSE -1* fti.Quantity END) as 'TotalGallons',
SUM(fifo.Cost * CASE WHEN ft.DestinationContainerID = ftd.DestinationContainerID THEN fti.Quantity ELSE -1* fti.Quantity END ) as 'FIFOTotalCost'
FROM FluidTransfer AS ft left outer join
fluidtransferdetail as ftd on ft.ID = ftd.FluidTransferID and (ft.DestinationContainerID = ftd.DestinationContainerID or ft.DestinationContainerID = ftd.SourceContainerID)left outer join
FluidTransferInventory as fti on = fti.FluidTransferDetailID left outer Join
FluidContainer as fcD on ft.DestinationContainerID = fcD.ID inner join
fluid as f on ft.fluidid = f.ID inner join
FluidCost as fifo on fti.FifoCostID = fifo.ID
where ftd.Type in (0,1) and (isburntank = 1)
Group BY fcd.EquipmentID, fcD.FluidID) as fta on = fta.EquipmentID left outer join
--Count of transactions by equipment and fluid
(SELECT fcd.EquipmentID, ft.FluidID, COUNT(*) as 'TransactionCount'
FROM FluidTransfer AS ft left outer join
FluidContainer as FcD on ft.destinationcontainerid =
where(isburntank = 1)
Group By fcd.EquipmentID, ft.FluidID) as ftc on fta.EquipmentID = ftc.EquipmentID and fta.FluidID = ftc.FluidID
WHERE (((e.AccountingCode) >= '0900' and (e.AccountingCode) <= '9999') AND ((e.IsDeleted)=0)) AND fta.FIFOTotalCost > 0
order by AccountingCode
UPDATE: Here is the select statement now that I have made changes.
Select CAST(e.AccountingCode as NVARCHAR(80)) As [Vehicle], CONCAT(e.year + ' ', e.make + ' ', e.model + ' ', CAST(e.[Description] as VARCHAR(80))) As Name,
IIF(cff.StringType = '', cff1.StringType, cff.StringType) as 'Operator', fta.Fluid, so.Odometer, CASE WHEN COALESCE(LAG(e.AccountingCode) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, so.Odometer),0) <> e.AccountingCode
THEN 0 ELSE LAG(so.Odometer) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, so.Odometer)
END as 'Previous Odometer', so.Odometer - IIF((CASE WHEN COALESCE(LAG(e.AccountingCode) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, so.Odometer),0) <> e.AccountingCode THEN 0 ELSE LAG(so.Odometer) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, so.Odometer) END) = 0 ,
so.Odometer,CASE WHEN COALESCE(LAG(e.AccountingCode) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, so.Odometer),0) <> e.AccountingCode THEN 0 ELSE LAG(so.Odometer) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, so.Odometer) END ) as 'Miles Traveled',
sh.Hour, CASE WHEN COALESCE(LAG(e.AccountingCode) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, sh.Hour),0) <> e.AccountingCode
THEN 0 ELSE LAG(sh.Hour) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, sh.Hour)
END as 'Previous Hours', sh.Hour - IIF((CASE WHEN COALESCE(LAG(e.AccountingCode) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, sh.Hour),0) <> e.AccountingCode THEN 0 ELSE LAG(sh.Hour) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, sh.Hour) END) = 0 ,
sh.Hour,CASE WHEN COALESCE(LAG(e.AccountingCode) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, sh.Hour),0) <> e.AccountingCode THEN 0 ELSE LAG(sh.Hour) OVER (PARTITION BY e.AccountingCode ORDER BY e.AccountingCode, sh.Hour) END ) as 'Hours Used' ,fta.FIFOTotalCost/fta.TotalGallons as [Avg Price],
fta.TotalGallons As [Total Gallons], fta.FIFOTotalCost As [Total Cost]
I know this is probably unpleasant on the eyes, and could use some reformatting, but for now I am just happy that it works!! Thanks everyone for the help!
[Previous Odometer]
column please? And perhaps thewhere
andorder by
clauses?UPDATE YourTable SET [Previous odometer]=0 WHERE Odometer = 0;