We have the following architecture of our system (PostgreSQL 9.6 is used on all servers):
1. there is a bunch of little servers ("sensors") storing data in some table
2. there is a big server ("management console") that collects data updates from all those servers and stores them in the table with the same name and structure
3. sensors can create new rows and update existing ones, the changes must be replicated to the console
4. console can update or delete rows that are relevant for particular sensors, these changes must be replicated to those servers
5. sensors must store only those rows that belong to them (there is a field "source" in the table storing the sensor's id)
My questions are:
1. This is a case of multimaster replication, right?
2. What replication technology would be most suitable for this use case, considering that we don't need autofailovers and sensors must store only a part of data, not the whole table that the console has?