SQL Server 2016 introduced a modification to the TRUNCATE TABLE statement which allows you to truncate a specific partition or set of partitions from a table:

TRUNCATE TABLE < tablename > WITH (PARTITIONS (< partition_id >));

An article about the TRUNCATE TABLE WITH PARTITIONS contains the next note:

To start using the new TRUNCATE TABLE statement option, make sure that all your table indexes are aligned with the source table. If there are non-aligned indexes in your table, drop or disable these indexes, truncate the partition(s) you want then rebuild the indexes again.

Does SQL Server 2016 provide an easy way (e.g. a query) to determine if the indexes of the partitioned tables are all aligned? (I want to avoid having to drop or disable indexes.)

Update 1

Example output of link:

*One index consists of 2 columns, but only one column is used in the partition function.

Is the index PK_TEST1 aligned or non-aligned?*

  • index_name: PK_TEST1
  • partition_function: psTEST1
  • partition_ordinal: 1
  • key_ordinal: 1
  • is_included_column: 0
  • columnName: COLUMN1


  • index_name: PK_TEST1
  • partition_function: psTEST1
  • partition_ordinal: 0
  • key_ordinal: 2
  • is_included_column: 0
  • columnName: COLUMN2
  • The post - Partitioned Tables with Non-Aligned Indexes - has a query that may provide the information you are looking for. Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 12:06
  • @ScottHodgin Thank you for the link, but which column or value can I use to differentiate aligned and non-aligned indxes? I've also checked the link as well, but it's still unclear for me.
    – Odrai
    Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 12:08
  • @ScottHodgin Please have a look at 'Update 1' in the OP.
    – Odrai
    Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 12:14
  • If the index includes the partition column as one of the key columns and is defined as using the partition scheme, then it is aligned. Commented Jun 19, 2019 at 12:25

1 Answer 1


I put this query together for you that should show you what you want. You can add additional where clauses to trim it further if you need to.

;WITH CTE_PartCount AS
    SELECT P.object_id
        , P.index_id
        , COUNT(P.partition_number) AS PartitionCount
    FROM sys.partitions AS P
    GROUP BY P.object_id
        , P.index_id
, CTE_Objects AS
    SELECT O.object_id
        , O.name AS ObjectName
        , S.name AS SchemaName
        , I.index_id
        , I.name AS IndexName
        , I.type_desc AS IndexType
    FROM sys.objects AS O
        INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS S ON S.schema_id = O.schema_id
        INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS I ON I.object_id = O.object_id
    WHERE O.is_ms_shipped = 0
        AND O.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
, CTE_Summary AS
    SELECT O.object_id
        , O.ObjectName
        , O.SchemaName
        , O.IndexName
        , O.IndexType
        , PC.PartitionCount
        , TablePartCount = FIRST_VALUE(PC.PartitionCount) OVER (PARTITION BY O.object_id ORDER BY O.object_id, O.index_id)
    FROM CTE_Objects AS O
        LEFT OUTER JOIN CTE_PartCount AS PC ON PC.object_id = O.object_id AND PC.index_id = O.index_id
SELECT S.object_id
    , S.SchemaName
    , S.ObjectName
    , S.IndexName
    , S.IndexType
    , S.PartitionCount
    , IsPartitioned = CASE WHEN S.TablePartCount <> 1 THEN 'YES' ELSE 'NO' END
    , IsAligned = CASE WHEN S.TablePartCount = S.PartitionCount THEN 'ALIGNED' ELSE '' END

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