I have a table called stats
, where I store every action on a certain website (basically when the user clicks a link, data is saved in the db). The data is modeled with PostgreSQL as
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('stats_id_seq'::regclass),
company integer NOT NULL,
layout integer NOT NULL,
browsername character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
lang character varying(5) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
There are other fields that I don't think are relevant. Basically what I want to do is see which are the most used browsers for a certain company, by counting how many pages are visited by that browser and how many users there are for a given browser.
My query is:
select browsername, count(DISTINCT phpsessid) as visitors, count(*) as pages
from public.stats
where company=1 and createdate>'2017-01-01' and createdate<'2018-12-12'
group by browsername order by visitors desc;
The stats
table contains around 80 millions rows. Now, this query is extremely fast if I set company=1 or company=222 (it's the company ID). It takes less than half a second to fetch around 20k rows. However, it is EXTREMELY slow if I set company=13549, for instance (we're talking about literal hours here). Obviously something is wrong, either in the data modeling or in the way I query.
How come there's such a difference for different companies? The DB was not done by me, so I apologize if I left something useful out, and feel free to ask.
The indexes are:
CREATE INDEX stats_new_company_13549_index
ON public.stats USING btree
(company, createdate)
TABLESPACE pg_default WHERE company = 13549
CREATE INDEX stats_new_company_14863_index
ON public.stats USING btree
(company, createdate)
TABLESPACE pg_default WHERE company = 14863
CREATE INDEX stats_new_company_createdate_cet_index
ON public.stats USING btree
(company, date(timezone('CET'::text, createdate)))
TABLESPACE pg_default;
CREATE INDEX stats_new_company_createdate_index_1
ON public.stats USING btree
(company, createdate)
TABLESPACE pg_default;
Here's the plan for the fast query: https://explain.depesz.com/s/uKmJ
And here's the plan for the slow one: https://explain.depesz.com/s/wysA
Just by looking at the plans you can see it took several minutes for the second one to even query the explain.
I also noticed that after running the explain a couple of times, it got done in reasonable amounts the third time. From that moment onward, the query would also drastically reduce its execution time, from hours to a mere 4 seconds. It's the second time it happens, and I swear I'm not crazy. If I change the company ID once again, the query takes hours again. I'm at lost here: is there some index problem?