I am new to databases and security.

I am planning to put up a website.

I've read that sql-injection vulnerabilities can be very dangerous since the server might leak user passwords and credit-card information.

Are there any steps that I need to follow to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities?

I was going through a wiki on sql-injection, but I didn't understood the following query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '" + userName + "';

2 Answers 2


you better use prepared statement from your programming source code, e.g. for PHP use PDO's prepare statement!

Check this - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60174/best-way-to-prevent-sql-injection-in-php


I used a private function that vetted all the parameters passed into my services (Models in today's parlance). In a large application you might as well make it a 'global' function that all your scripts/models access when you're accepting any parameters from your frontend

private function protectMySQL($myParam)
    $myParam = stripslashes($myParam);
    $myParam = mysql_real_escape_string($myParam);
    return $myParam;

and then in each function

public function setMonthlyData($companyID, $userID, $resultArr)
    $myResponseObj = new Object();

    $myCompanyID = $this -> protectMySQL($companyID);  //vet $companyID
    $myUserID = $this -> protectMySQL($userID);        //vet $userID

    //execute query using parameters
    //then return the result 

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