I have a table with an identity column and I want to reserve a block of ids which I can use for bulk inserting, whilst allowing inserts to still happen into that table.
Note this is part of a bulk insert of several tables, where those other tables relate to these ids via an FK. Therefore I need to block them out so I can prepare the relationships beforehand.
I've found a solution which works by taking a lock on the table in a transaction and then does the reseeding (which is pretty fast). But it looks a bit hacky to me - is there a generally accepted pattern for doing this?
create table dbo.test
id bigint not null primary key identity(1,1),
SomeColumn nvarchar(100) not null
Here's the code to block out (make room for) some ids:
declare @numRowsToMakeRoomFor int = 100
SELECT MAX(Id) FROM dbo.test WITH ( XLOCK, TABLOCK ) -- will exclusively lock the table whilst this tran is in progress,
--another instance of this query will not be able to pass this line until this instance commits
--get the next id in the block to reserve
DECLARE @firstId BIGINT = (SELECT IDENT_CURRENT( 'dbo.test' ) +1);
--calculate the block range
DECLARE @lastId BIGINT = @firstId + (@numRowsToMakeRoomFor -1);
--reseed the table
DBCC CHECKIDENT ('dbo.test',RESEED, @lastId);
select @firstId;
My code is batch processing blocks of data in chunks of about 1000. I have about a billion rows to insert in total. Everything is working fine - the database isn't the bottle neck, the batch processing itself is computationally expensive and requires me to add a couple of servers to run in parallel, so I need to accommodate more than one process "batch inserting" at the same time.
? No locking, no reseeding. Just INSERT and get the IDs from OUTPUT so you can use them in the other tables.