I'm trying to execute query that is repeatedly called in a loop using plpgsql -the loop iterates over another table (named coordinates) that contains top left and bottom right latitude/longitude coordinates of grids, I pass the top left and bottom right latitude / longitude values into my CTE in order to display the amount of requests (hourly) made within those coordinates for given two timestamps-. However, I cannot display the results of my CTE and I get the following error message:

ERROR:  query has no destination for result data
HINT:  If you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead.
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "inline_code_block" line 6 at SQL statement

What should I change here in order to make the entire query work as needed? My code is as below:

DO $$
<<outer_scope>> DECLARE
  coords RECORD;
    FOR coords IN SELECT topleftlat, topleftlon, bottomrightlat, bottomrightlon FROM coordinates LOOP
        WITH cal AS (
        SELECT generate_series('2011-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp ,
                   '2012-04-01 05:00:00'::timestamp , 
                   '1 hour'::interval) AS stamp
    qqq AS (
      SELECT date_trunc('hour', calltime) AS stamp, count(*) AS zcount
      FROM mytable
      WHERE calltime >= '2011-02-13 11:55:11' 
        AND calltime <= '2012-02-13 01:02:21'
        AND (calltime::time >= '11:55:11' 
        OR calltime::time <= '01:02:21')
        AND lat BETWEEN coords.bottomrightlat AND coords.topleftlat
        AND lon BETWEEN coords.topleftlon AND coords.bottomrightlon
     GROUP BY date_trunc('hour', calltime)
    SELECT cal.stamp, COALESCE (qqq.zcount, 0) AS zcount
    FROM cal
    LEFT JOIN qqq ON cal.stamp = qqq.stamp
    WHERE cal.stamp >= '2011-02-13 11:00:00' 
      AND cal.stamp <= '2012-02-13 01:02:21' 
      AND (
        extract ('hour' from cal.stamp) >= extract ('hour' from '2011-02-13 11:00:00'::timestamp) or
        extract ('hour' from cal.stamp) <= extract ('hour' from '2012-02-13 01:02:21'::timestamp) 
    ORDER BY stamp ASC;

  • 2
    I do't see the need for a cursor+loop. Why not a plain join? Am I missing something?
    – wildplasser
    Commented Sep 27, 2012 at 18:03
  • @wildplasser well the lat/lon values in the first table -that contains coordinates and timestamps- are not the same as the lat/lons in the second table -since I created "grids" with top left and bottom right coordinates according to a certain criteria- but it just dawned upon me that I could join the two parts whenever the latitude/longitude values from the first table are between the top left and bottom right lat/lons of the second table -I will test for about 1.06 million lat/lons so plpgsql was the first thing that came to my mind but I suppose this makes it even better-
    – sm90901
    Commented Sep 27, 2012 at 18:18
  • 2
    Which would mean that you can rewrite it as a function returning rows, or even a view yielding rows, or even a plain query yielding rows.
    – wildplasser
    Commented Sep 27, 2012 at 18:28
  • 2
    In some cases, the query optimiser could choose to reshuffle terms between the (CTE) subquery and the "main" query. In this case, the subquery is a calendar table+an aggregation, so there will not be much opportunity for shuffling. I am curious about the resulting plan. Good luck!
    – wildplasser
    Commented Sep 27, 2012 at 18:36
  • 2
    I found time and gave it my best shot. Added to my answer. Commented Sep 28, 2012 at 0:04

2 Answers 2


The DO command has no facility to actually return data (except with RAISE, or you could write to a (temp) table .. ).

You need to create a PL/pgSQL function that can define a return type with RETURNS and call it.

You could return the result with RETURN QUERY EXECUTE. But I suspect the whole operation can be simplified ...

Rewrite as single SQL query

You probably don't need plpgsql or loops at all. Consider this plain SQL query instead:

   SELECT '2011-02-13 11:55:11'::timestamp AS _from -- provide times once
         ,'2012-02-13 01:02:21'::timestamp AS _to
, q AS (
   SELECT c.coordinates_id
        , date_trunc('hour', t.calltime) AS stamp
        , count(*) AS zcount
   FROM   v
   JOIN   mytable t ON  t.calltime BETWEEN v._from AND v._to
                   AND (t.calltime::time >= v._from::time OR
                        t.calltime::time <= v._to::time)
   JOIN   coordinates c ON (t.lat, t.lon) 
                   BETWEEN (c.bottomrightlat, c.topleftlon)
                       AND (c.topleftlat, c.bottomrightlon)
   GROUP  BY c.coordinates_id, date_trunc('hour', t.calltime)
, cal AS (
   SELECT generate_series(GREATEST('2011-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp, v._from)
                        , LEAST('2012-04-01 05:00:00'::timestamp, v._to)
                        , '1 hour'::interval) AS stamp
   FROM v
SELECT q.coordinates_id, cal.stamp, COALESCE (q.zcount, 0) AS zcount
FROM   v, cal
LEFT   JOIN q USING (stamp)
WHERE (cal.stamp::time >= v._from::time OR
       cal.stamp::time <= v._to::time)
ORDER  BY q.coordinates_id, stamp;
  • Instead of looping through rows in table coordinates, join to the CTE and produce the whole result in one go.

  • As you aggregate per row of coordinates we need the primary key of this table (or any other unique set of columns) I assume a pk named coordinates_id.

  • I added the CTE v (for "values") on top to provide _from and _to timestamps once only.

  • I use _from and _to to limit the time range of the calender right away, instead of adding WHERE clauses to trim the surplus in the final SELECT.

    GREATEST('2011-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp, v._from)
    LEAST('2012-04-01 05:00:00'::timestamp, v._to)
  • I use "ad-hoc rows" like demonstrated in this related answer by @kgrittn for a much simpler JOIN condition:

         ON (t.lat, t.lon) 
    BETWEEN (c.bottomrightlat, c.topleftlon)
        AND (c.topleftlat, c.bottomrightlon)
  • I cast to time (::time) instead of using extract ('hour' ..), because it's simpler and faster.

I am not 100 % sure this is exactly what you are after, but it should be very close.

  • 2
    @sm90901: Fixed a typo: c.coordinates_id -> q.coordinates_id. I am assuming here, you want to identify coordinates in the result. Maybe not, then you don't need it. Maybe you even want to aggregate over all coordinates, then remove c.coordinates_id from the CTE, too. But your original query indicated otherwise ... Commented Sep 28, 2012 at 0:28
  • Took care of the problems I mentioned and added the coordinate_id's, my bad design decision caused it to run slow. Many thanks for all your help, I think I'll delve deeper into the concepts of databases and performance tuning as soon as this project of mine is wrapped up.
    – sm90901
    Commented Oct 4, 2012 at 19:51

Since anonymous code blocks are essentially void-returning functions (which take no parameters), you cannot return from them. Technically you can do the following:

AS (
-- define your columns here

DO $$
INSERT INTO tmp_return
SELECT --the rest of your query

SELECT * FROM tmp_return;

But in your case, there is nothing in your query that must involve a loop, you can easily transform the coords part into just another CTE or a subquery.

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