I'm trying to execute query that is repeatedly called in a loop using plpgsql -the loop iterates over another table (named coordinates) that contains top left and bottom right latitude/longitude coordinates of grids, I pass the top left and bottom right latitude / longitude values into my CTE in order to display the amount of requests (hourly) made within those coordinates for given two timestamps-. However, I cannot display the results of my CTE and I get the following error message:
ERROR: query has no destination for result data
HINT: If you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM instead.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "inline_code_block" line 6 at SQL statement
What should I change here in order to make the entire query work as needed? My code is as below:
DO $$
<<outer_scope>> DECLARE
coords RECORD;
FOR coords IN SELECT topleftlat, topleftlon, bottomrightlat, bottomrightlon FROM coordinates LOOP
WITH cal AS (
SELECT generate_series('2011-02-02 00:00:00'::timestamp ,
'2012-04-01 05:00:00'::timestamp ,
'1 hour'::interval) AS stamp
qqq AS (
SELECT date_trunc('hour', calltime) AS stamp, count(*) AS zcount
FROM mytable
WHERE calltime >= '2011-02-13 11:55:11'
AND calltime <= '2012-02-13 01:02:21'
AND (calltime::time >= '11:55:11'
OR calltime::time <= '01:02:21')
AND lat BETWEEN coords.bottomrightlat AND coords.topleftlat
AND lon BETWEEN coords.topleftlon AND coords.bottomrightlon
GROUP BY date_trunc('hour', calltime)
SELECT cal.stamp, COALESCE (qqq.zcount, 0) AS zcount
FROM cal
LEFT JOIN qqq ON cal.stamp = qqq.stamp
WHERE cal.stamp >= '2011-02-13 11:00:00'
AND cal.stamp <= '2012-02-13 01:02:21'
extract ('hour' from cal.stamp) >= extract ('hour' from '2011-02-13 11:00:00'::timestamp) or
extract ('hour' from cal.stamp) <= extract ('hour' from '2012-02-13 01:02:21'::timestamp)