I have this query used on Postgres to return place administrative levels.
WITH RECURSIVE hierarchy(name, pinyin, level) AS (
SELECT p.name, p.pinyin, p.level, p.upper_place_object_id_fk
from place p
where p.pinyin = 'Jiulong'
SELECT up.name, up.pinyin, up.level, up.upper_place_object_id_fk
from hierarchy h
INNER JOIN place up ON h.upper_place_object_id_fk = up.object_id
WHERE h.upper_place_object_id_fk IS NOT NULL
SELECT h.name, h.pinyin, h.level from hierarchy h;
It works just fine for a single match, e.g.
"Jiulong" 4
"Yingde" 3
"Qingyuan" 2
"Guangdong" 1
But of course, there can be several places with the same name (and a different position in the admin hierarchy)
"Fenggang" 4
"Fenggang" 4
"Huaiji" 3
"Dongguan" 2
"Zhaoqing" 2
"Guangdong" 1
"Guangdong" 1
In this case the result doesn't make sense as I can't reconstruct the proper hierarchy. And that's because the recursion occurs for every result of the parent query at the same time.
It'd work if the recursion could be done until the exit condition for each result of the parent.
It is possible to control how the recursion is done?
Place Table script
CREATE TABLE public.place
object_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
upper_place_object_id_fk uuid,
name character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
level smallint NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_place PRIMARY KEY (object_id),
CONSTRAINT unique_place UNIQUE (name, upper_place_object_id_fk, level)
CONSTRAINT fk_place_upper_pla_place FOREIGN KEY (upper_place_object_id_fk)
REFERENCES public.place (object_id) MATCH SIMPLE
and here are the relevant data from the table
object_id upper_place_object_id_fk name level
"540ed8e9-c456-4a46-8049-1332f4ab52c1" NULL "Guangdong" 1 false
"4f7c7071-f917-4ab8-82c9-75aff0ba44d0" "540ed8e9-c456-4a46-8049-1332f4ab52c1" "Dongguan" 2 false
"afce8ec3-599f-4cea-9227-29bb750d4b01" "540ed8e9-c456-4a46-8049-1332f4ab52c1" "Zhaoqing" 2 false
"714b8e23-c346-4370-8697-25bb09497342" "afce8ec3-599f-4cea-9227-29bb750d4b01" "Huaiji " 3 false
"0461963d-e886-4149-bded-ee08216dd374" "714b8e23-c346-4370-8697-25bb09497342" "Fenggang" 4 false
"6955f89b-b7d3-4b1e-b21e-fb584d7f165b" "712c1f45-24ac-4711-a47f-22513afc6fdd" "Dongguan" 4 true
"d931f691-0ec7-4fc7-9197-b15461e984e0" "4f7c7071-f917-4ab8-82c9-75aff0ba44d0" "Fenggang" 4 true