I have the following query, which for simplicity sake I use the simple example format below:
col1, col2, dbo.fun3(col3)
GROUP BY col1, col2, dbo.fun3(col3)
This took 30 seconds to run and returned 6000 records. When I removed dbo.func3(col3) in both the SELECT and GROUP BY it sped up to only 5 seconds to return 6000 records.
So I guess my performance impact comes down to the following:
- dbo.func3() is slow and need further work to improve its performance
- The function call in the GROUP BY causes the slowness.
I wanted to isolate how slow is dbo.func3() is so I ran the following query without GROUP BY:
SELECT col1, col2, col3
SELECT col1, col2, dbo.fun3(col3)
The first one returns around 900,000 records in 15 seconds. The second one return 500,000 records in 15 seconds.
This prove I should improve my func3() function. However, do you know of anything I can do in the group by part of the query to reduce the delays?
Is this function being called twice because I have it in the select and the group by portion of my query?