I have a table 'Connections' with the following schema in SQL Server:
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[User] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL,
[UserID] [int] NULL,
[True] [bit] NOT NULL,
[Comment] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[Created] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[Flag] [bit] NULL,
[Destination] [varchar](20) NULL
and it has a primary key clustered index on the ID column.
I need to get the size generate by the entries on this table per month. I have search for any existing SP, function or any DMV that can help me with this but I only found how to get the size of the table not per row. Also I need the total size of the rows per month so cannot get the total size/minimum/maximum of the rows on the whole table (as the solution provided in other stackexchange posts).
My attempt to this is as follows:
SELECT DATEPART(year,created),
(count (*))*(4+2*ISNULL((max(len([User]))),2)+4+1+2*ISNULL((max(len([Comment]))),2)+8+1+ISNULL(max(len([Destination])),2)) 'BytesPerMonth'
FROM Connections
GROUP BY DATEPART(year,created),DATEPART(month,created)
In the above I multiplied the number of rows with the byte size of a row and considered the following:
int - 4 bytes
nvarchar - 2 bytes per character ([nvarchar](max) also take 2 bytes per character, same as if we had [nvarchar](40), correct?)
bit - 1 byte
datetime - 8 bytes
varchar - 1 byte per character
However, this only provides an estimate due to only considering the max length of the variable columns and multiples that (the maximum) by the amount of rows which results in a much bigger value than the actual size of the rows. Is there a way that I can get the actual size per row in this context?
Furthermore, I am aware of the row header which is per row - another 4 bytes per row (currently I did not include this since my result was already huge due to considering the max of the variable columns). Also I have found that I should consider 3 bytes due to the null values and 8 bytes due to the variable columns in my schema, do they need to be considered per row/ per column? How can I calculate the size of the index?
0 bytes
and2 GB
will make any estimate useless. Then having done that just insert a million rows matching this estimate into an empty table and look at the table size and divide by a million to get a figure that takes into account page overhead