Linux cjz-eshop1-p 5.4.0-33-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 21 12:53:59 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
psql (PostgreSQL) 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1.pgdg18.04+1)
I am getting errors due to CSV import into the database on my server.
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Price 244385 ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "30.06.2020"
Hint: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting.
Position: 160
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Price 244386 ERROR: date/time field value out of range: "30.06.2020"
Hint: Perhaps you need a different "datestyle" setting.
Position: 160
But on my local system, the import is working.
I tried almost everything regarding this issue, but no luck (I drew mostly from here).
Any ideas to solve this issue?
Import is done by java
. I believe it is not important, because on my local computer, it is working with same OS and same configuration. And as you can see, when I try select
related to date (as @Laurenz helped me), it is ok.
postgres@cjz-eshop1-p:~$ psql
psql (12.2 (Ubuntu 12.2-4))
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# SELECT '30.06.2020'::date;
(1 row)
Before, it was not possible. Do you want some more details?
if (body[5].length() != 0) {
akc_from = "'" + body[5] + "'";
} else {
akc_from = "null";
if (body[6].length() != 0) {
akc_to = "'" + body[6] + "'";
} else {
akc_to = "null";
if (body[7].length() != 0) {
akc_type = body[7];
} else {
akc_type = "null";
insertPriceCommand = "insert into stg_price(art_no,store_no,sell_pr,akc_price,akc_from,akc_to,akc_type,run_id,proc_flag,proc_note) values(" + art_no + "," + store_no + "," + sell_pr + "," + akc_price + "," + akc_from + "," + akc_to + "," + akc_type + "," + run_id + ",0,null)";
// System.out.println(insertPriceCommand);