I am trying to restore a databese from an old server onto a new server and my geomertry columns are not importing


UPDATE `property_floor` SET
`floorBounds` = ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT((115.823402 -32.064224),(115.823509 -32.079125),(115.843336 -32.064224)')
WHERE `floorID` = '1'

Error in query (1048): Column 'floorBounds' cannot be null

I have tried it both with the SRID and without it. tried both ST_GeomFromText and GeomFromText

I am at a loss for what is wrong, Is this a bug? is my data malformed (looks good to me, but I could be having one of those blind moments) or has something changed?

floorBounds is of type multipoint and the data I am trying to import was exported from a functioning database.

mariaDB version 10.3.25-MariaDB-0+deb10u1

I only just noticed that the old server WAS NOT using mariaDB but MySQL (ver 5.7.31-0ubuntu0.16.04.1) But it should still be compatible, correct?


1 Answer 1

UPDATE `property_floor` SET
`floorBounds` = ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(115.823402 -32.064224, 
                                            115.823509 -32.079125, 
                                            115.843336 -32.064224)')
WHERE `floorID` = '1'


  • On looking up the documentation for MySQL it appears it outputs with each pair in parenthesis's where as that is not valid in MariaDB, Thanks.
    – mike16889
    Commented Oct 28, 2020 at 9:59

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