I have installed PostgreSQL 13.1 on two computers, a laptop and desktop.

I created database using a Tablespace on a portable SSD drive under F:\MyProject\DB\PG_13_202007201\20350. So I expect all the database files to be in there somewhere.

I want to work on the database on the SSD drive which is fine on the laptop that created the database, but when I go to my desktop I can't figure out how to attach (SQL Server style) the existing database/tablespace and continue working on it.

Is there a way to work like this with Postgresql?

  • 1
    You cannot "attach (SQL Server style)" a Postgres database. You'll need to configure your Postgres cluster to look for the database files on the mounted path. See if this helps.
    – mustaccio
    Commented Nov 25, 2020 at 23:39
  • Answered here. Commented Nov 26, 2020 at 4:55

1 Answer 1


I suggest you to create a new cluster in your external drive. You can use initdb to create a new PostgreSQL database cluster.

Here is a sample command;

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\initdb --pgdata="F:\MyProject\pgdata\13\main"

After that you even can register your new cluster as a new postgresql server service by using pg_ctl like the one below;

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin\pg_ctl register --pgdata="F:\MyProject\pgdata\13\main" 

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