I need to add this contrain to my table called 'kraken'

ALTER TABLE kraken ADD UNIQUE unique_index(exchange_pair,timestamp);

this shows me that i have duplicated entries on those 2 columns (exchange_pair and timestamp) so first i have to delete all the duplicated entries based on those 2 columns

this is what i found but im not sure if my query would work since i need to delete only duplicated entris with column 'exchange_pair' and 'timestamp', i dont want to mess things up with my table https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-delete-duplicate-rows/

  • 1
    My advise is that you create a replica of table and do the test in there, with query like "CREATE TABLE temp_table AS SELECT * FROM original_table" and perform operations over temp_table, also you can use the temp_table as backup. Commented Feb 22, 2021 at 18:54

1 Answer 1


The easiest way to remove duplicates is to join the table with itself:

  FROM kraken AS w
  JOIN kraken AS z ON z.exchange_pair = w.exchange_pair
                  AND z.timestamp = w.timestamp
                  AND z.id > w.id -- or what primary key you have

All duplicates will be deleted except one with the lowest id.

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