I have two tables - user credit and payments.

credit is just a total of the amount of credit a user has at the present. Payments is a list of payments by date that a user needs to make.

I need to create a report showing the amount of credit available for each payment a user is to make - taking into account the credit used up on previous payments.

  user_id INT,
  amount INT

CREATE TABLE payments (
  user_id INT,
  due timestamp,
  amount INT

INSERT INTO credit values (1, 100);
INSERT INTO credit values (2, 200);

INSERT INTO payments values (1, '2021-04-01', 20);
INSERT INTO payments values (1, '2021-04-02', 20);
INSERT INTO payments values (1, '2021-04-03', 20);
INSERT INTO payments values (2, '2021-04-01', 100);
INSERT INTO payments values (2, '2021-04-02', 300);
INSERT INTO payments values (3, '2021-04-03', 20);

Result should look like this:

user_id due amount credit_available credit_used credit_remaining
1 2021-04-01 20 100 20 80
1 2021-04-02 20 80 20 60
1 2021-04-02 20 60 20 40
2 2021-04-01 100 200 100 100
2 2021-04-01 200 100 100 0
3 2021-04-01 20 0 0 0

I have set up a fiddle here:


I thought I could do it pretty simply with a LAG() but I can't reference the previous row's calculated alias credit_remaining column within the select like so:

    least(0, payments.amount - LAG(credit_remaining, 1, credit.amount) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY user_id, due)) as credit_remaining
FROM ...

2 Answers 2

SELECT user_id, 
       COALESCE(credit.amount, 0) + payments.amount - SUM(payments.amount) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY payments.due) available,
       LEAST(payments.amount, COALESCE(credit.amount, 0) + payments.amount - SUM(payments.amount) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY payments.due)) used,
       GREATEST(0, COALESCE(credit.amount, 0) - SUM(payments.amount) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY payments.due)) remaining
FROM ( SELECT user_id FROM credit
       SELECT user_id FROM payments ) userlist
LEFT JOIN credit USING (user_id)
LEFT JOIN payments USING (user_id)
ORDER BY user_id, due


PS. payments (user_id, due) must be defined as unique - if not then the output is indefinite (or you must use another ordering in the window definition, for example, by payments.id additionally).

  • @GuyBowden I'd prefer to use minimal amount of window definitions...
    – Akina
    Commented Mar 4, 2021 at 12:02

Another option (similar but independent to Akina - I just came back to answer it and saw his!)

Basically flipping the question a bit:

The amount of credit available can be worked out by summing the total previous payments subtracting the the total credit (and not allowing negative numbers):

    payments.amount amount_due,
    greatest (0, coalesce(credit.amount, 0) - coalesce(sum(payments.amount) OVER (PARTITION BY payments.user_id ORDER BY payments.due ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING), 0)) credit_available,
    least (payments.amount, greatest (0, credit.amount - coalesce(sum(payments.amount) OVER (PARTITION BY payments.user_id ORDER BY payments.due ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING), 0))) credit_used,
    greatest (0, coalesce(credit.amount, 0) - sum(payments.amount) OVER (PARTITION BY payments.user_id ORDER BY payments.due ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW)) credit_remaining
    LEFT JOIN credit ON credit.user_id = payments.user_id


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