Likely the majority of the performance issue you're seeing is just the normal constraints of the data limitations of SQLite. Your query is of sound mind, and I don't believe there's much you can do to optimize it other than re-write the WHERE
predicate to something more efficiently relational with an INNER JOIN
like this:
WITH file_id_counts AS (
SELECT hashband, COUNT(DISTINCT(file_id)) as count
FROM hashbands
GROUP BY hashband
) SELECT hashband, file_id, window_id
FROM hashbands
INNER JOIN file_id_counts
ON hashbands.hashband = file_id_counts.hashband
ORDER BY hashband
This is logically equivalent and the reasoning it could be faster is because the IN
clause is syntactical sugar for a bunch of OR
clauses which can be less efficient than a direct single equality operator like the INNER JOIN
is doing above.
Additionally, ensuring your hashbands
table has an index on at least (hashband)
or possibly on (hashband, file_id)
should help (if one doesn't exist already).
Finally, if possible, removing your ORDER BY
clause, and instead doing the sorting in your consuming application would probably help a small amount as well. While this mostly just moves the onus of the sort to a different part of the call stack, generally sorting in the database can add a little extra complexity that sometimes can be resolved and slightly more efficient to do in the consuming application. Plus, sorting is really presentation logic in my opinion (at least when not used for a functional purpose of the query).
Where does this SQLite database live?...a mobile application, or on its own server?