Why does casting this result of REGEXP_SUBSTR() to a DECIMAL fail?

    REGEXP_SUBSTR('Cost (-$14.18)', '(?<=Cost [(]-[$])[0-9.]+') AS _extracted,
    CAST(REGEXP_SUBSTR('Cost (-$14.18)', '(?<=Cost [(]-[$])[0-9.]+') AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS cost_1,
    CAST((SELECT _extracted) AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS cost_2,
    CAST((SELECT _extracted) * 1 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS cost_3,
    CAST('14.18' AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS cost_4;
| _extracted | cost_1 | cost_2 | cost_3 | cost_4 |
| 14.18      |  14.00 |  14.00 |  14.18 |  14.18 |

Casting a plain string as in cost_4 seems to work. Multiplying the REGEXP_SUBSTR() result by 1 also appears to work. But simply casting the result as I've done with cost_1 and cost_2 fails to produce the correct fixed point version of _extracted.

Oddly, in my application using the backreference as I've done for cost_2 actually produces the correct result. Was unable to reproduce elsewhere but thought it worth mentioning.

2 Answers 2


This has been a long-standing issue with MySQL with people reporting this very issue as a bug since 2011. I have found that the problem is almost completely dependent on the collation being used within the REGEXP_SUBSTR() function.

For instance, if you cast the result of REGEXP_SUBSTR() as a CHAR(100), your decimals remain intact:

mysql> SELECT CAST(CAST(REGEXP_SUBSTR('Cost (-$14.18)', '[0-9.]+') AS CHAR(100)) AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS result;


The result returned by REGEXP_SUBSTR() used a UTF-16 character set before MySQL 8.0.17. Versions after this supposedly use the same character set as configured by the client (See bug #94203 reported by Rick James), but this does not appear accurate. My SQL client is configured to use UTF-8 everywhere. Running your initial query in my client produces the exact same results as you shared in the question.

However, if I CONVERT( ... USING 'UTF8'):

SELECT CAST(CONVERT(REGEXP_SUBSTR('Cost (-$14.18)', '[0-9.]+') USING 'UTF8') AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS result;


Surprise, surprise. A correct number.

Generally in this situation I do the very same thing that you did for cost_3; I multiply the returned value by 1, then cast it to the desired type. You can save a step by casting as FLOAT, but this sometimes has precision implications.

It is not a great answer, but it is one that can be used across multiple versions of MySQL.

  • That's about as thorough an explanation as I could have hoped for. Presumably this also sheds light on why my backreference may have worked in some cases but still scratching my head about that one. And yes, I was encountering float precision issues which is exactly what led me to this point. Thanks! Commented May 19, 2021 at 9:41

Not CAST. Use

FORMAT(expression, 2)  -- for displaying with 2 decimal places

ROUND(expression, 2)   -- for further computation
  • but, why does this fix the issue?
    – Hannah Vernon
    Commented May 19, 2021 at 20:07
  • FORMAT(x, 2) returns float, not a fixed point number. This leads to precision issues and results like 18.18 + 9.69 = 27.869999999999997 which is why I'm using CAST() to begin with. Commented May 19, 2021 at 20:33
  • @billynoah - I understood our Question to be talking about display, not storage or further computation.
    – Rick James
    Commented May 20, 2021 at 5:45
  • In that case I've already accomplished the display aspect in step one where REGEXP_SUBSTR() is used to extract the number from the string. You can infer that decimal computation is required by the fact that I'm casting as a decimal. Commented May 20, 2021 at 11:39

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