I am having a problem moving (converting) a DB from SQLite3 to MariaDB 10.3.29 server running on a Synology NAS.
One table, actor, has 3 columns
- actor_id
- name
- art_urls
Some actors have 2 entries in the SQLite 3 DB, one being the anglicized name, say Sinead Matthews, and another with special characters, Sinéad Matthews. actor_id is the primary key, so that is OK. But the schema creates a unique index based on name. The (to me) black box on MariaDB that creates the index sees both forms as the same and produces a collision that throws an error.
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'Sinead Matthews' for key 'ix_actor_1'
My MariaDB is using utf8 for the character set. I did an insert of 1 row with the special character. A select query displays the name with the special character. Then trying to insert a row where the name does not have the special character throws the error.
How do I work around this?