I have a table where the natural identifier is a text like this: AB-C123456E-F
, which is my primary key.
The table is approaching 200 million rows, and so to get better performance on the unique constraint I've split it up into partitions by range:
CREATE TABLE documents (
doc_number text PRIMARY KEY,
doc_data bytea,
doc_data_sha256 bytea
) PARTITION BY RANGE (doc_number text_pattern_ops);
CREATE TABLE documents_a_abc123z PARTITION OF documents FOR VALUES FROM (MINVALUE) TO ('AB-C123z');
CREATE TABLE documents_abc124_def456z PARTITION OF documents FOR VALUES FROM ('AB-C124') TO ('DE-F456z');
These rows are queried by either equality or prefix match of the document number, and while partition pruning works as expected with an equality match, I can't get Postgres to do pruning for a prefix match. I've tried using SELECT * FROM documents WHERE doc_number LIKE 'AB-C12345%'
and SELECT * FROM documents WHERE starts_with(doc_number, 'AB-C12345')
Is there a way I can get partition pruning over range partitions with a text prefix?
where doc_number >= '...' and doc_number < '...'
explain (analyze)
PARTITION BY RANGE (left(doc_number, 7)
and then useleft(doc_number,7) = 'AB-C123'
in addition to the actualLIKE
condition in the query. However you can no longer defineddoc_number
as the primary key