I have a mongodb 3.6 database with about 7TB of data, and wish to upgrade this to 6.0. It is a very basic db with no replicas, no sharding, etc. Downtime is not an issue - it can be down for days.
I am wondering how to best go about this. If I simply make a copy of the 3.6 db directory and try to load it on an up-to-date mongo version, this doesn't work as I am getting WiredTiger compatibility issues ("Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version" etc).
I am assuming that a mongodump of the 3.6 and restore in a 6.0 would work in theory, but with this amount of data I'm guessing the dump + restore would take weeks to run, if it even ever finishes?
mongodump ... | mongorestore ...
would work without the need to store 7TB physically on any disc.