In short: I would like to use this input:

| x | y | z |
| 1 | 1 | a |
| 1 | 2 | b |
| 1 | 3 | c |
| 2 | 1 | d |
| 2 | 2 | e |
| 2 | 3 | f |
| 3 | 1 | g |
| 3 | 2 | h |
| 3 | 2 | i |
| . | . | . |
| n | . | .

to generate this output:

| y | z (x=1) | z (x=2) | z (x=3) | z (x=n) |
| 1 | a       | d       | g       |    .    |
| 2 | b       | e       | h       |    .    |
| 3 | c       | f       | i       |    .    |

Table sample:

CREATE TABLE "public"."data" (
    "x" text NOT NULL,
    "y" text NOT NULL,
    "z" text NOT NULL,
  • The goal is to generate the output, in the most efficient way possible.
  • max(x) will increase over time (->n)
  • max(y) should remain constant but may increase by ~10%
  • dynamic creation of z(x) columns & names

So far I have the following:

select * from crosstab('select y, x, z from data order by 1,2')
as ct (y varchar, x1z varchar, x2z varchar, x3z varchar, 
                  x4z varchar, x5z varchar, x6z varchar)

which seems to work well (so far):

| y  | x1z | x2z | x3z | x4z | x5z | x6z |
| 10 | fo  | ob  | ar  | fo  | ob  | ar  |
| 20 | ob  | ar  | fo  | ob  | ar  | fo  |
| 30 | ar  | fo  | ob  | ar  | fo  | ob  |

In the previous SQL snippet, I manually defined the static column names.

These should be based on x values & hence 'dynamic' matching below

select array (select distinct x from data order by x)
| x_campaigns               |
| ------------------------- |
| ["1","2","3","4","5","6"] |

Another example to add clarity

  • using the same crosstab SQL snippet, with arbitrarily defined column names
  • these column names should be dynamically defined, in this example you can say: 'worldcup'+'year'
  • in the previous case only 'x' is required, as is
CREATE TABLE world_cup(
    year varchar(5), 
    game varchar(5), 
    score varchar(5))

-- insert values ...

select * from crosstab('select game, year, score from world_cup order by 1,2')
as ct (game varchar, WorldCup17 varchar, WorldCup18 varchar,
  WorldCup19 varchar, WorldCup20 varchar, WorldCup21 varchar, WorldCup22 varchar)
| match | worldcup17 | worldcup18 | worldcup19 | worldcup20 | worldcup21 | worldcup22 |
| DE_FR |     2-2    |     1-1    |     0-0    |     3-2    |     0-2    |     1-2    |
| EN_DE |     2-0    |     0-2    |     2-1    |     0-0    |     3-0    |     0-0    |
| ES_FR |     0-1    |     0-0    |     1-5    |     0-5    |     1-1    |     3-1    |



Version: PostgreSQL 13.6 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44), 64-bit

  • 1
    "these should based on x values & hence dynamic" - not possible. One fundamental restriction of the SQL language is, that the number, names and data types of a query must be known to the database engine while the query is parsed/analyzed. The columns can't be "defined" while the data that is retrieved. SQL wasn't designed for this. Crosstab reports are much better done in the application displaying those results.
    – user1822
    Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 7:03
  • This is PIVOT (in PostgreSQL terms - crosstab). If your values list and, hence, output structure is dynamic then you'd use dynamic SQL, build and execute proper CROSSTAB query.
    – Akina
    Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 7:25
  • @a_horse_with_no_name, only the column names, the structure remains constant e.g. next set is 100-103 Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 7:45
  • @Akina, an example? Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 7:50
  • If the column names change then this by definition changes the structure of the query.
    – user1822
    Commented Nov 22, 2022 at 7:50

1 Answer 1


As mentioned, it's impossible to create a query that returns a different number of columns each time you run it. In general I recommend to do this kind of pivot/crosstab in the frontend (UI)

Possible alternatives are to aggregate into a JSON value:

select y, 
       jsonb_object_agg(concat('x',x, 'z'), y) as xz
from data
group by y
order by y;

This returns something like this:

y  | xz                                                                            
10 | {"x1z": "10", "x2z": "10", "x3z": "10", "x4z": "10", "x5z": "10", "x6z": "10"}
20 | {"x1z": "20", "x2z": "20", "x3z": "20", "x4z": "20", "x5z": "20", "x6z": "20"}
30 | {"x1z": "30", "x2z": "30", "x3z": "30", "x4z": "30", "x5z": "30", "x6z": "30"}

JSON example

Another alternative is to write a procedure that dynamically creates a view that does the pivot/crosstab. I am not a fan of the crosstab() function and prefer filtered aggregation:

select y, 
      max(z) filter (where x = '1') as x1z,
      max(z) filter (where x = '2') as x2z,
      max(z) filter (where x = '3') as x3z,
      max(z) filter (where x = '4') as x4z,
      max(z) filter (where x = '5') as x5z,
      max(z) filter (where x = '6') as x6z
from data
group by y
order by y;

This statement follows a pattern that can be automated to dynamically create a view based on the filtered aggregation.

create or replace procedure create_crosstab_view()
  l_sql text;
  select 'create view crosstab_view as select y, '||
         string_agg(format('max(z) filter (where x = %L) as %I', x, concat('x',x,'z')), ',' order by x)||' from data group by y'
     into l_sql
  from (
    select distinct x from data
  ) t;
  execute 'drop view if exists crosstab_view cascade;';
  execute l_sql;
language plpgsql;

After creating the view, you run

select *
from crosstab_view;

If the source data changes, you re-create the view by running the procedure. You could put that into a trigger if you want to.

Dynamic view example

  • +1 I cannot up vote, I am too n00b & don't have enough points yet... Commented Nov 23, 2022 at 9:15
  • ah but I can accept...game on Commented Nov 23, 2022 at 9:15

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