I have a 7 TB table in a PostgreSQL 12.3 database. I want to create a "RANGE type" partition on this column. The other thing to note is that this year
column is a text field rather than an integer field. There was a special cases that facilitated this decision a decade ago. You will see by the end my confusion about what kind of partition does this end up being, and how can I finish the implementation?
The table is real_estate_sales. The year is the year the home was built. I propose to partition the data in a way that will provide nearly equal sizes of partitions. I realize there are no indexes here, I have left them out for the sake of brevity.
- Create the partitioned table. This is the structure of the large home_sales table.
CREATE TABLE home_sales_partitioned (
"id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('home_sales_id_seq'::regclass),
address1 varchar NOT NULL,
address2 varchar,
postal_code varchar NOT NULL,
vehicle_digest varchar NOT NULL,
year_built varchar NOT NULL
That is what I want to do. But I found out I couldn't once I tried this:
- Create the integer partitions
CREATE TABLE home_sales_1900_30s (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 1900 AND year::integer < 1940)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
But I learned that if you are inheriting from a partitioned table, you have to make that table partitioned to. So I changed it to:
- Create the partitioned table
CREATE TABLE home_sales_partitioned (
"id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('home_sales_id_seq'::regclass),
address1 varchar NOT NULL,
address2 varchar,
postal_code varchar NOT NULL,
vehicle_digest varchar NOT NULL,
year varchar NOT NULL
And left off the PARTITION BY statement since our only goal is to create the partition framework first. Then I ran:
Then these statements worked:
* Create the integer partitions
CREATE TABLE home_sales_1900_30s (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 1900 AND year::integer < 1940)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
CREATE TABLE home_sales_1940_60s (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 1940 AND year::integer < 1970)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
CREATE TABLE home_sales_1970s (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 1970 AND year::integer < 1980)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
CREATE TABLE home_sales_1980_84 (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 1980 AND year::integer < 1985)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
CREATE TABLE home_sales_1985_89 (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 1985 AND year::integer < 1990)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
CREATE TABLE home_sales_1990_94 (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 1990 AND year::integer < 1995)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
CREATE TABLE home_sales_2000_04 (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 2000 AND year::integer < 2005)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
CREATE TABLE home_sales_2005_xx (CHECK (year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND year::integer >= 2005)) INHERITS (home_sales_partitioned);
Those all created successfully. Then I created a function to redirect the data on insert:
* Create the partition function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION year_range_partition(year varchar)
RETURNS text AS $$
IF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 1900 AND year::integer < 1940 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_1900_30s';
ELSIF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 1940 AND year::integer < 1960 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_1940_60s';
ELSIF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 1960 AND year::integer < 1970 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_1960s';
ELSIF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 1970 AND year::integer < 1980 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_1970s';
ELSIF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 1980 AND year::integer < 1985 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_1980_84';
ELSIF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 1985 AND year::integer < 1990 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_1985_89';
ELSIF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 1990 AND year::integer < 1995 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_1990_94';
ELSIF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 1995 AND year::integer < 2000 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_2000_04';
ELSIF year ~ E'^\\d+$' AND length(year) = 4 AND year::integer >= 2001 AND year::integer < 2005 THEN
RETURN 'home_sales_2005_xx';
RETURN 'home_sales_non_integer';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
And this was created successfully. Now I need to create a function and a trigger on the partition table to route the data successfully upon insert:
* Create the function
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_catalog_entry_fitments_partitioned()
INSERT INTO year_range_partition(NEW.year)
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER insert_home_sales_partitioned_trigger
BEFORE INSERT ON home_sales_partitioned
EXECUTE FUNCTION insert_home_sales_partitioned();
I am expecting this insert to work correctly. After the insert is complete, I can do:
drop table home_sales;
alter table home_sales_partitioned rename to home_sales.
But now, how to I tell the home_sales table that it is PARTITION
ed? What is the command for that? And is this essentially a RANGE
partition, or because it's a varchar
field, is it some other type? I know that I must need to do this, since SELECT
s won't be constructed properly if the table doesn't know it's own partitions.
conditions or so that you can discard old data withDROP TABLE
. There is no way to partition a non-partitioned table except by copying most of the data around, which means a lengthy down time. There are other options, but your question contains too many things at once to be answered in depth.