I am really new to Powershell and hopefully someone can help me with this error. I have been given the below script that is supposed to take a list of SQL servers from a text file and lists out the availablity group and the replicas for each.

# Import the dbatools and sqlserver modules
Import-Module dbatools
Import-Module sqlserver

# Specify the path to the file containing the list of servers
$serverList = "C:\Path\To\ServerList.txt"

# Read the list of servers from the file
$servers = Get-Content $serverList

# Loop through each server and retrieve availability group information
foreach ($server in $servers) {
    # Get the availability groups on the server
    $groups = Get-DbaAvailabilityGroup -SqlInstance $server

    # Loop through each availability group and retrieve replica information
    foreach ($group in $groups) {
        # Get the replicas in the availability group
        $replicas = Get-DbaAvailabilityGroupReplica -AvailabilityGroupName $group.AvailabilityGroupName -SqlInstance $server

        # Output the availability group and replica information
        Write-Output "Availability Group: $($group.AvailabilityGroupName)"
        Write-Output "Replicas:"
        foreach ($replica in $replicas) {
            Write-Output "  - $($replica.ReplicaServerName) ($($replica.ReplicaRole))"
        Write-Output ""

The error I am getting is on"Get-DbaAvailabilityGroupReplica : The term 'Get-DbaAvailabilityGroupReplica' is not recognized...". I have tried multiple times to reinstall the dbatools and sqlserver module but it does not resolve the issue.

  • Check for any errors or issues around importing the dbatools module, which is what defines that cmdlet. Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 15:46
  • No issues with the install. I even uninstalled and the reran the install with -force. Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 17:10
  • If you run get-command -module dbatools does it show the function? Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 17:49
  • No it does not. I am on latest version (1.1.146). Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 17:55
  • I don't use dbatools, but I don't see that function, I do see Get-DbaAgReplica Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 18:13

1 Answer 1


Here is the corrected code. By replacing the cmdlet Get-DbaAvailabilityGroupReplica with Get-DbaAgReplica I was able get the code working. My issue seemed to come from the use of Get-DbaAvailabilityGroupReplica.

   # Import the dbatools and sqlserver modules
   Import-Module dbatools
   Import-Module sqlserver
   # Specify the path to the file containing the list of servers
   $serverList = "C:\Path\To\ServerList.txt"
   # Read the list of servers from the file
   $servers = Get-Content $serverList
   # Loop through each server and retrieve availability group information
   foreach ($server in $servers) {
       # Get the availability groups on the server
       $groups = Get-DbaAvailabilityGroup -SqlInstance $server
       # Loop through each availability group and retrieve replica information
       foreach ($group in $groups) {
           # Get the replicas in the availability group
           $replicas = Get-DbaAgReplica -AvailabilityGroup $group.AvailabilityGroupName -SqlInstance $server
           # Output the availability group and replica information
       Write-Output "Availability Group: $($group.AvailabilityGroupName)"
           Write-Output "Replicas:"
           foreach ($replica in $replicas) {
               Write-Output "  - $($replica.ReplicaServerName) ($($replica.ReplicaRole))"
           Write-Output ""
  • 1
    To make this answer more useful to future readers, you may explain what was the root cause of the error and highlight what exactly fixes it.
    – mustaccio
    Commented Apr 12, 2023 at 19:21

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