I recently failed over my SQL Server instance from Node1 to Node2 and noticed below informational message:

Recovery of database 'huge_database' (22) is 24% complete (approximately 399 seconds remain). Phase 2 of 3. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

However, when checking from SSMS, I can see that the database is online. I haven't checked the "status" column from the sys.databases DMV. In this state, I am unsure whether I can fail back from Node2 to Node1 without causing any errors. Can anyone offer any insights or advice?

1 Answer 1


However, when checking from SSMS, I can see that the database is online. I haven't checked the "status" column from the sys.databases DMV.

Since the database is in an AG you shouldn't go by whatever SSMS tells you in general and sys.databases is not a full picture of the database state. Ideally you'll want to use sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states to check.

In this state, I am unsure whether I can fail back from Node2 to Node1 without causing any errors.

You didn't specify in the original post, so it's hard to say. If the database is in a good state, you can fail over (the database on the replica that is going to become primary). Things you don't want to do is to attempt to fail over in the middle of reverting/initializing or when the database is not in a synchronized state.

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