For some reason couldn't find anything on the topic that would work for me: Return sample row if result set is empty and similar questions are using integers for joining.
I have a table with simple structure: pk::int, key::varchar, value::varchar
I need to do a search by key column and return the multiple values. In case there is no matching rows (empty result set) I want to return a default value, e.g. the word "default".
Easy solution would be to have a CTE or subquery with UNION and LIMIT 1, but the query should be able to return multiple values (key column may contain duplicates), so this is not a solution.
I have come up with this, which is working:
SELECT value FROM mytable
WHERE key = 'foobar'
SELECT 'default' AS value
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mytable WHERE key = 'foobar') <1
But the subquery is doubling the amount of queries on the data.
Is there a more elegant and performant solution?