I'd like to produce a data dictionary from the catalog tables of a Postgres DB. I wanted to have the name of the table on one line and then the list of columns.
I've tried to do it with \gexec
\set schema '''my_schema'''
\set fname 'out_file.txt'
\o :fname
SELECT format('
select ''>>> %I'';
select column_name, data_type, coalesce(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision), description
from information_schema.columns
left join pg_catalog.pg_description on objoid = ''%I.%I''::regclass and objsubid = ordinal_position
where table_name = ''%I''', table_name, table_schema, table_name, table_name)
where table_schema = :schema
order by table_name
But the first statement seems to be omitted and the name of the table doesn't appear in the result.
Of course, I could simply add the table name in every row but for my purpose, this means an extra process after to put all this in a proper documentation.
Is there a way to have the result of the 2 queries in the result file?
when printing the table name. This seems related.