I have 2 PostgreSQL 16 instances in different location and I am trying to apply logical replication between couple of tables even there are thousands of tables in publisher site. I mean there are about 5000 tables in publisher site but I am using logical replication for only 60 tables

All the replicated tables are in sync as number of record count currently. I have checked with select count(*) from table

My problem is when I run following query I could see increasing huge replication lag and number of files in WAL directory increasing (number of wal files are 9952) If I drop subscription and replication slot, postgresql cleaning WAL directory


    (pg_current_wal_lsn() - confirmed_flush_lsn) AS lag
FROM pg_replication_slots;
                 slot_name                 | confirmed_flush_lsn | pg_current_wal_lsn |     lag      
 log_rep_slot                              | 6C5/2C77D4E0        | 6E7/F6A54B40       | 149420865120
 pg_316283_sync_248141_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248213_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248175_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248194_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248206_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248232_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248159_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248147_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248129_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
 pg_316283_sync_248165_7306809026670557899 |                     | 6E7/F6A54B40       |             
(11 rows)

So why WAL files and replication lag are increasing even if all my replicated tables are in sync

  • All the replicated tables are in sync - the presence of pg_316283_sync_* indicates the opposite - the initial datasync is in progress. Check the logs, pg_stat_subscription and select srrelid::regclass, srsubstate from pg_subscription_rel
    – Melkij
    Commented Jan 25 at 7:56
  • there is no sync process currently but WAL size in publisher still increasing select srrelid::regclass, srsubstate from pg_subscription_rel --> all tables are in r state Commented Jan 25 at 20:56

1 Answer 1


My guess: you have long running transactions on the publisher, and you didn't define the subscription with streaming = parallel.

But wait a minute: you still have some workers running that copy original table contents. Replication won't start until they are done. Perhaps you should start replication with a few tables and then use ALTER PUBLICATION and ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... REFRESH PUBLICATION to add more tables little by little.

Once the table sync workers are done, replication should start to catch up (check restart_lsn in pg_replication_slots). If logical decoding is too slow for your rate of WAL creation, increase logical_decoding_work_mem on the publisher. If that is not sufficient, you are out of luck, and logical replication won't work for you. If it is the subscriber that is too slow applying the changes, you can split the workload to several publications and subscriptions, or you can try to increase max_parallel_apply_workers_per_subscription on the subscriber.

  • checked long running transaction, there is not. Longest transaction is about 40-50 minutes Commented Jan 25 at 7:43
  • what setting do you recommend streaming=on or streaming=parallel I want to clean out pg_wal in ASAP Commented Jan 25 at 7:55
  • Well, 40 minutes is a very, very, very long running transaction. I guess parallel would be the best value. Commented Jan 25 at 8:38
  • when I add new table to publication, I always run alter subscription <subsName> refresh publication I altered subscription with streaming = parallel and number of wal files are still increasing Commented Jan 25 at 8:48
  • Great! Did you check that all sync workers were dune? Commented Jan 25 at 8:49

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