I was recently querying our internal database inventory tool for a list of servers, instances and databases, and was adding the corresponding status to each server, instance and database.

Relationship Diagram

Server ˂-- 1 : n --˃ Instance ˂-- 1 : n --˃ Database
   ˄                    ˄                      ˄
   |                    |                      |
   |                  1 : 1                    |
   |                    |                      |
   |                    ˅                      |
   +-- 1 : 1 --˃     Status        ˂-- 1 : 1 --+

Read as:
...a server can have multiple instances
...an instance can have multiple databases
...a server, an instance and a database can have a status


Status Table

  StatusID int,
  StatusName char(20),

Status Data

INSERT INTO [Status] (StatusID, StatusName)
(2,'Prod ACC'),
(3,'Prod APP'),
(5,'Test ACC'),
(6,'Test APP'),

Server Table

  ServerID int,
  ServerName char(20),
  ServerStatusID int

Server Data

INSERT INTO [Server] (ServerID, ServerName, ServerStatusID)

Instance Table

  InstanceID int,
  ServerID int,
  InstanceName char(30),
  InstanceStatusID int

Instance Data

INSERT INTO [Instance] 
  (InstanceID, ServerID, InstanceName, InstanceStatusID)

Database Table

  DatabaseID int,
  InstanceID int,
  DatabaseName char(30),
  DatabaseStatusID int

Database Data

INSERT INTO [Database]
(DatabaseID, InstanceID, DatabaseName, DatabaseStatusID)

SELECT Statement without Status table involved

The initial SELECT statement involved simply joining the three tables: server, instance, database and was as follows:

-- Simple SELECT to get all information on Servers, Instances and Databases
-- The status of the server, instance or database is not returned
  FROM [Server] as srv
    LEFT JOIN [Instance] as ins
      ON srv.ServerID = ins.ServerID
    LEFT JOIN [Database] as dbs
      ON ins.InstanceID = dbs.InstanceID;

Results of 1. Statement


  • there is a server without an instance and database
  • there is an instances without a database
ServerName InstanceName DatabaseName
FirstServer GENERAL master
FirstServer GENERAL model
FirstServer GENERAL msdb
FirstServer GENERAL UserDB1
FirstServer TAXES master
FirstServer TAXES model
FirstServer TAXES msdb
FirstServer TAXES TaxesDB
SecondServer GENERAL null
SecondServer SOCIAL master
SecondServer SOCIAL model
SecondServer SOCIAL msdb
SecondServer SOCIAL HealthCareDB
ThirdServer GENERAL master
ThirdServer GENERAL model
ThirdServer GENERAL msdb
ThirdServer GENERAL GeneralUserDB
ThirdServer FBI master
ThirdServer FBI model
ThirdServer FBI msdb
ThirdServer FBI CriminalDB
FourthServer null null
FifthServer COMINGSOON null

SELECT Statement involving Status table

In the next statement I decide to add the status to each element (server, instance, database) and JOINed each table with the Status table as follows:

-- Advanced SELECT to get all information on Servers, Instances and Databases 
-- including their status
  FROM [Server] as srv
    JOIN [Status] as srvst
      ON srv.ServerStatusID = srvst.StatusID
    LEFT JOIN [Instance] as ins
      ON srv.ServerID = ins.ServerID
    JOIN [Status] as insst
      ON ins.InstanceStatusID = insst.StatusID
    LEFT JOIN [Database] as dbs
      ON ins.InstanceID = dbs.InstanceID
    JOIN [Status] as dbsst
      ON dbs.DatabaseStatusID = dbsst.StatusID

Results of 2. Statement

To my surprise the server without an instance and database and the server with an instance but without a database were no longer listed:

ServerName StatusName InstanceName StatusName DatabaseName StatusName
FirstServer Productive GENERAL Productive master Productive
FirstServer Productive GENERAL Productive model Productive
FirstServer Productive GENERAL Productive msdb Productive
FirstServer Productive GENERAL Productive UserDB1 Productive
FirstServer Productive TAXES Productive master Productive
FirstServer Productive TAXES Productive model Productive
FirstServer Productive TAXES Productive msdb Productive
FirstServer Productive TAXES Productive TaxesDB Productive
SecondServer Prod ACC SOCIAL Prod ACC master Prod ACC
SecondServer Prod ACC SOCIAL Prod ACC model Prod ACC
SecondServer Prod ACC SOCIAL Prod ACC msdb Prod ACC
SecondServer Prod ACC SOCIAL Prod ACC HealthCareDB Prod ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC GENERAL Test ACC master Test ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC GENERAL Test ACC model Test ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC GENERAL Test ACC msdb Test ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC GENERAL Test ACC GeneralUserDB Test ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC FBI Reserved master Reserved
ThirdServer Test ACC FBI Reserved model Reserved
ThirdServer Test ACC FBI Reserved msdb Reserved
ThirdServer Test ACC FBI Reserved CriminalDB Reserved

Findings / Solution

After checking various options with a trial and error approach I found out that the JOIN on the Status table had to be changed to a LEFT JOIN to allow for the statement to display the server without an instance or a database, and to display the instance without a database:

-- Advanced SELECT to get all information on Servers, Instances and Databases 
-- including their status
  FROM [Server] as srv
    LEFT JOIN [Status] as srvst
      ON srv.ServerStatusID = srvst.StatusID
    LEFT JOIN [Instance] as ins
      ON srv.ServerID = ins.ServerID
    LEFT JOIN [Status] as insst
      ON ins.InstanceStatusID = insst.StatusID
    LEFT JOIN [Database] as dbs
      ON ins.InstanceID = dbs.InstanceID
    LEFT JOIN [Status] as dbsst
      ON dbs.DatabaseStatusID = dbsst.StatusID;

Results of 3. Statement

ServerName StatusName InstanceName StatusName DatabaseName StatusName
FirstServer Productive GENERAL Productive master Productive
FirstServer Productive GENERAL Productive model Productive
FirstServer Productive GENERAL Productive msdb Productive
FirstServer Productive GENERAL Productive UserDB1 Productive
FirstServer Productive TAXES Productive master Productive
FirstServer Productive TAXES Productive model Productive
FirstServer Productive TAXES Productive msdb Productive
FirstServer Productive TAXES Productive TaxesDB Productive
SecondServer Prod ACC GENERAL Decommisioned null null
SecondServer Prod ACC SOCIAL Prod ACC master Prod ACC
SecondServer Prod ACC SOCIAL Prod ACC model Prod ACC
SecondServer Prod ACC SOCIAL Prod ACC msdb Prod ACC
SecondServer Prod ACC SOCIAL Prod ACC HealthCareDB Prod ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC GENERAL Test ACC master Test ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC GENERAL Test ACC model Test ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC GENERAL Test ACC msdb Test ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC GENERAL Test ACC GeneralUserDB Test ACC
ThirdServer Test ACC FBI Reserved master Reserved
ThirdServer Test ACC FBI Reserved model Reserved
ThirdServer Test ACC FBI Reserved msdb Reserved
ThirdServer Test ACC FBI Reserved CriminalDB Reserved
FourthServer Reserved null null null null
FifthServer Reserved COMINGSOON Reserved null null

Reference Material

Here a link to the db<>fiddle to reproduce my findings.


Why does SQL Server require a LEFT JOIN on the Status table for child items that do not exist and for the query to display these items?


3 Answers 3


You need to nest your joins. Otherwise what is happening is that it's expecting each individual join clause to return a result, but it can't if the previous one didn't return anything.

Essentially, you want the server to take the result of the inner-join of Instance and Status, and left-join all of that back to Server.

FROM Server as srv
  JOIN Status as srvst
    ON srv.ServerStatusID = srvst.StatusID
      Instance as ins
      JOIN Status as insst
        ON ins.InstanceStatusID = insst.StatusID
    ON srv.ServerID = ins.ServerID
      Database as dbs
      JOIN Status as dbsst
        ON dbs.DatabaseStatusID = dbsst.StatusID
    ON ins.InstanceID = dbs.InstanceID;

In SQL Server, the parenthesis are not essential, they are purely for readability. The key is putting JOIN table2 ON ... inside another join, so it comes out to LEFT JOIN table1 JOIN table2 ON ... ON ... ie the ON clauses are nested.

This is the exact equivalent of using derived subqueries:

FROM Server as srv
  JOIN Status as srvst
    ON srv.ServerStatusID = srvst.StatusID
      SELECT ins.*, insst.StatusName
      FROM Instance as ins
      JOIN Status as insst
        ON ins.InstanceStatusID = insst.StatusID
    ) ins
    ON srv.ServerID = ins.ServerID
      SELECT dbs.*, dbsst.StatusName
      Database as dbs
      JOIN Status as dbsst
        ON dbs.DatabaseStatusID = dbsst.StatusID
    ) dbs
    ON ins.InstanceID = dbs.InstanceID;

Because the join with status table for the child items is happening on basis of ins.InstanceStatusID, dbs.DatabaseStatusID which turns out to be NULL when the joins prior to it takes place in some rows.

When you do an inner join later it shows rows matched in both tables and to get the rows with null values as well you will have to use left join.

To visualize the same :



  FROM [Server] as srv
    LEFT JOIN [Status] as srvst
      ON srv.ServerStatusID = srvst.StatusID
    LEFT JOIN [Instance] as ins
      ON srv.ServerID = ins.ServerID
    LEFT JOIN [Database] as dbs
      ON ins.InstanceID = dbs.InstanceID 

enter image description here

SELECT TMP.* ,    insst.StatusName,
  dbsst.StatusName FROM (SELECT 


  FROM [Server] as srv
    LEFT JOIN [Status] as srvst
      ON srv.ServerStatusID = srvst.StatusID
    LEFT JOIN [Instance] as ins
      ON srv.ServerID = ins.ServerID
    LEFT JOIN [Database] as dbs
      ON ins.InstanceID = dbs.InstanceID ) AS TMP

    /* Here if left join is not used values which are null are skipped and only values which are in both tables are returned */

    JOIN [Status] as insst
      ON TMP.InstanceStatusID = insst.StatusID 
    JOIN [Status] as dbsst
      ON TMP.DatabaseStatusID = dbsst.StatusID ;

enter image description here

Which after using Left join pulls all records from left result set and the matched values from both tables joined to the resultset

SELECT TMP.* ,    insst.StatusName,
  dbsst.StatusName FROM (SELECT 


  FROM [Server] as srv
    LEFT JOIN [Status] as srvst
      ON srv.ServerStatusID = srvst.StatusID
    LEFT JOIN [Instance] as ins
      ON srv.ServerID = ins.ServerID
    LEFT JOIN [Database] as dbs
      ON ins.InstanceID = dbs.InstanceID ) AS TMP
    LEFT JOIN [Status] as insst
      ON TMP.InstanceStatusID = insst.StatusID 
    LEFT JOIN [Status] as dbsst
      ON TMP.DatabaseStatusID = dbsst.StatusID ;

enter image description here


Why does SQL Server require a LEFT JOIN on the Status table for child items that do not exist and for the query to display these items?

It doesn't, in general. It is just one of the ways to express your requirement that produces the results you are after.

Your query tries to (inner) join from a null-extended row (created by an outer join) to the Status table using a join predicate that looks for an equality match on StatusID values.

This predicate does not return true because StatusID is null on one side, there is no matching null in the Status table, and the equality predicate would reject null matches anyway. Since the join predicate fails and you have specified an inner join, no result row is produced.

For clarity, the inner join to Status could produce a result with a different join predicate.

For example, there could be a null StatusID in the Status table (something your schema allows) and the join predicate could use IS NOT DISTINCT FROM or an equivalent test where nulls match. You could also use COALESCE or ISNULL in the join predicate to select a particular status (as a default) without adding any new status rows.

There are many possibilities; the point is you could write a join predicate that would produce a match. The one you have does not.

It is possible you thought SQL Server would skip the join to Status for any rows previously null-extended by an outer join, but things don't work that way. An outer join is not an 'optional' join with subsequent short-circuiting. Perhaps some people have a mental image of them functioning that way.

Making any following joins 'outer' as a way to fix the output is close to using 'magic'—a recipe that works but isn't understood.

Why does it work here? Because, with a left outer join, the null-extended row is preserved despite there being no match in Status according to the join predicate. The missing status columns are populated with null, as usual.

An alternative solution

People do seem to find left outer joins more intuitive to work with, but there's no particular reason to prefer them otherwise. You don't have to start at the top of the hierarchy and 'join down' to rows that may or may not be present.

Let's see what happens with your schema if we instead start at the bottom of the hierarchy (the [Database] table) and work up. The first join to Status is straightforward:

FROM dbo.[Database] AS DBS
JOIN dbo.[Status] AS DBSST
    ON DBSST.StatusID = DBS.DatabaseStatusID;

Moving up the hierarchy, we now need to add rows from the Instance table. We can't use a left outer join or inner join because there may be an instance without a database. The natural solution is to use a right join, with the associated inner join to Status:

FROM dbo.[Database] AS DBS
JOIN dbo.[Status] AS DBSST
    ON DBSST.StatusID = DBS.DatabaseStatusID
RIGHT JOIN dbo.Instance AS INS
    ON INS.InstanceID = DBS.InstanceID
JOIN dbo.[Status] AS INSST
    ON INSST.StatusID = INS.InstanceStatusID;

There is no need for 'nested' joins here. We quite naturally add in any instances without a database, adding null-extended database rows as necessary. All instances are accounted for, so the inner join to Status is perfectly correct.

We follow the same approach to add in rows from the Server table, along with its status:

FROM dbo.[Database] AS DBS
JOIN dbo.[Status] AS DBSST
    ON DBSST.StatusID = DBS.DatabaseStatusID
RIGHT JOIN dbo.Instance AS INS
    ON INS.InstanceID = DBS.InstanceID
JOIN dbo.[Status] AS INSST
    ON INSST.StatusID = INS.InstanceStatusID
RIGHT JOIN dbo.[Server] AS SRV
    ON SRV.ServerID = INS.ServerID
JOIN dbo.[Status] AS SVS
    ON SVS.StatusID = SRV.ServerStatusID;

This produces the results you want, without invoking any magic.

There are any number of ways to write a correct query specification for your requirement. I show a RIGHT JOIN alternative mostly because people seem somewhat scared by right outer joins or consider them redundant.

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