We have 9 physical servers, each server has 4 physical disks, which means we have a total of 36 physical disks, each one related to one Cassandra node.
We would like to have a replication of 3 across the full cluster, in a way that would allow us to lose one server (4 physical disks) without losing data.
We were thinking about making three different racks, each rack with 3 of our physical servers. My understanding is that, if I have a keyspace with RF=3, a set of data should be replicated 3 times across the cluster.
My question is, will that data be replicated 3 times inside each rack, or will it be replicated once in every rack (having 3 racks)? what should I do/how should I configure my cluster and my keyspace to have the data replicated exactly one time for each one of our three racks?