I'm using a PostgresSQL database as an eventstore. We used to use https://github.com/SQLStreamStore/SQLStreamStore
But they had issues when having a lot of parallel transactions. Essentially we suffered from a lot of 'skipped' events. A similar problem is explained here: https://github.com/eugene-khyst/postgresql-event-sourcing?tab=readme-ov-file#transactional-outbox-using-transaction-id
So together with a co-worker we decided to fork the library and implement it using pg_current_snapshot().
We had a few iterations of this but in the end we got it working: https://github.com/ArneSchoonvliet/SQLStreamStore
So the main idea is, if we see a gap in between positions we will only trust the events with a lower transaction_id than 'xmin'.
This has worked great for us. And most problems are solved. But sometimes we have a weird occurrence
Position MessageId CreatedAt TransactionId
31170300 be7b412a-103c-5cdd-8458-57fbb0e5c39e 2024-09-29 13:23:27.733 +0200 2306832989
31170299 38b9d7d9-540c-5440-a2a0-10b91cffb2ad 2024-09-29 13:23:27.736 +0200 2306832990
Query result
Position: 31170297, Array index: 0, Transaction id: 2306832974
Position: 31170298, Array index: 1, Transaction id: 2306832976
Position: 31170300, Array index: 2, Transaction id: 2306832989
Xmin: 2306832990
In the query result you see that 31170299 is missing. So our 'gap checking' code kicks in. And will check if all transactions_ids are lower than xmin. In this case they are...
31170299 wasn't visible yet.
So as a result that event will be skipped.
Is it expected that this can happen. A newer transaction claiming a lower seq value?
We are using Google Cloud managed pgsql db
Since I don't really know how we would ever be able to detect that without checking every time if transactions are still happening. But this would impact performance since we would lose a lot of time with 'actual' gaps (caused by transactions that are rolled back)
People probably wonder what the insert / query sql looks like
Important part:
INSERT INTO __schema__.messages (message_id,
SELECT m.message_id, _stream_id_internal, _current_version + (row_number()
over ()) :: int, _created_utc, m.type, m.json_data, m.json_metadata, pg_current_xact_id()
FROM unnest(_new_stream_messages) m
As you can see the position isn't set. This is because it's an autoincrement defined like this:
"position" int8 DEFAULT nextval('messages_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL
Important part:
OPEN _txinfo FOR
SELECT pg_snapshot_xmin(pg_current_snapshot());
RETURN NEXT _txinfo;
OPEN _messages FOR
WITH messages AS (
SELECT __schema__.streams.id_original,
FROM __schema__.messages
INNER JOIN __schema__.streams ON __schema__.messages.stream_id_internal = __schema__.streams.id_internal
WHERE __schema__.messages.position >= _position
ORDER BY __schema__.messages.position
LIMIT _count
SELECT * FROM messages LIMIT _count;
RETURN NEXT _messages;