I am still new to using databases, but currently I am using a mysql database and attempting to make my bash script unbreakable because it might be used in several different environments (dev, qa, etc). I know it will run correctly without this one line.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS backupfiles (fileName VARCHAR(20), archiveId VARCHAR(500), checkSum VARCHAR(100), glacierVault VARCHAR(100), timeStamp date);
I also know that if I put that exact line into my database when that table does not exist then it runs perfectly and if it does exist already it gives me a warning, but does not break.
| Level | Code | Message |
| Note | 1050 | Table 'backupfiles' already exists |
When I run the line above and there is no table named backupfiles it works perfectly, but when there is it hangs(when I say hangs it sits there and does nothing) 95% of the time and 5% of the time works. Has anyone run into a problem like this? I am using AWS RDS(Amazon Web serices Relational Database Service) and the mysql server is 5.5.27
Here is all of my code that I relates to the mysql database
mysql -h portal-rds -u $user --password=$mysqlpw <<QUERY_INPUT
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS backupfiles (fileName VARCHAR(20), archiveId VARCHAR(500), checkSum VARCHAR(100), glacierVault VARCHAR(100), timeStamp date);
INSERT INTO backupfiles VALUES ('$archive_file_name', '$archiveID', '$CURRENTVAULT', '$checkSum', CURDATE());
instead ofuse glacier;
from another session while the connection is allegedly not reaponding.